CRM account list (Basic): Customize, filter, export

Your cloud-based account list allows you to quickly glimpse everything you need to know: the status of documents, invoices, tasks, emails—and more! Plus, filter and sort to quickly find anything. 

Your client account list

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TaxDome allows you to easily track your clients, so you can always stay on top of what they need. For an overall picture of your accounts, go to  Clients > Accounts from the left menu bar.

The entire client account list is available to a firm owner, admin or any team member with access rights to view all accounts. Otherwise, team members see only the accounts assigned to them.

The  Accounts page is fully customizable. You can view columns for:

  • ID: the unique client ID (read more on client IDs below), indicates if the client account is active (i.e. the Login is turned on for at least one contact linked to the client account). 
  • Name: the client’s first and last name or the name of their business
  • Team: the people who have access to the account
  • Follow: whether you are following the account or not (read more on account followers)
  • Type: accounts can either be a Company or an Individual. The difference is that for a Company, you can fill in the company name and address
  • Balance due: the invoice amount for the client still has to be paid.
  • Net due: the number shows the remaining amount a client owes after subtracting any available credits from their outstanding balance.
  • Proposals: the number of proposals sent to the client
  • Unread chats: the number of unread messages
  • Tags: color-coded tags that help you filter your account list
  • Pending signatures: the number of pending signature requests sent to the client
  • Pending organizers: the number of pending organizers sent to the client
  • Last login: the date and time the client last logged in to TaxDome. If the account has multiple users, it shows the date and time the last user logged in
  • Credits: available money that can be applied to the client’s new invoices
  • Tasks: the number of client tasks
  • QuickBooks: the account QuickBooks sync status
  • Mobile app: whether any contact associated with the account has installed the mobile app and logged in
  • Notify: indicates if at least one contact linked to the client account is receiving notifications
  • Email sync: indicates if at least one contact linked to the client account has the Email sync turned on
  • Custom fields: you can add all your account custom fields to the table. All newly added custom fields will be enabled by default

The account name column always stays locked in place as you scroll across tables — similar to Excel's freeze pane feature. Column names remain in view at all times while scrolling.

Click the up-down arrow next to the header of the column you wish to sort.

Customize account list

You can customize your account list in different ways. You can resize, enable, disable and move columns to your liking.

You can customize the size of each column, except for the ID and Name columns. The size for these columns can only be customized together. To customize all other columns, click and hold the divider between column names and resize it by moving your mouse.

To set up the columns you want to be displayed in the account list section, click the gear icon on the top right of the table.

Here you can select the columns you want to be displayed. You can enable, disable or move any columns you want, except for the Name column. After clicking Apply, the table will be rebuilt with new columns.

Clicking  Reset will display all columns except ID.

Search for accounts

To search for a specific account using a keyword or a custom field value:

  • To use global search from any page, click the search button at the top left of your screen, type in the search field, then navigate to Accounts.

  • You can also use the search field at the top right of Accounts page. Type a keyword, then press enter on your keyboard. Click the x in the search field to clear it.


Note! You can't search for custom fields of the User and Date types. Read more about custom field types.

Filter your account list

Filters help you find specific accounts within your account list based on certain criteria. For example, you can find all accounts managed by a specific team member or accounts with overdue invoices. 

To filter your account list, click Filter at the top left of your Accounts page and select the filter, value and operator:

  • Selecting Any of/All of will display accounts that contain the value selected in the filter.
  • Selecting None of/Exclude all selected will display all accounts that don't contain the value selected in the filter.

Note! Operators are not applied to the time-related filters such as Imported at, Last login, Date created, etc.

Here are the different filters and values you can apply:

  • Client type filter shows all accounts with the selected type: IndividualCompany or Other, which shows accounts without the account type selected.
  • Tags filter shows only accounts with specific tags (e.g., 1040, New clients, Be-weekly, etc.).
  • Team filter shows accounts assigned to one or more specific team members.
  • The pipeline and stage filter shows accounts with jobs in or not in one or more specific pipelines. Select one or more stages to narrow the results further.
  • Invoices filter shows all accounts with invoices in different statuses: Paid, Unpaid or Overdue. When you select Unpaid, you can also choose to see Overdue statuses.
  • Chats filter shows accounts with various chat thread statuses: Active (with active message threads), Unread or Archived.
  • Imported at filter lets you select the date and time the accounts were imported. You can select one of the suggested values or set a custom date. 
  • Last login filter lets you select the date the accounts logged in last time. You can select one of the suggested values or set a custom date. In addition, you can filter clients that are Online or Offline right now. 
  • Approvals filter shows accounts with various approval statuses: Pending paymentPending approval, Approved or Rejected.
  • Organizers filter shows accounts with various organizer statuses: Pending, Active (partly or fully completed organizers), Finished, or Archived.
  • Proposals & ELs filter shows accounts with various proposal statuses: PendingPartially signed or Signed.
  • Signatures filter shows accounts with documents at various stages of signing: Signed, Partially signed (signed by at least one person), Pending signature, Prepared for signature (documents pending signature that have not yet been sent to the client(s)), Opted out (declined to sign), Pending KBA (at least one person is needed to provide a signature with KBA), Failed KBA (at least one signer failed KBA and/or a signer declined to sign), or Voided (signed offline and voided by your firm).
  • Date created filter shows accounts that were created at specified intervals or on any custom date.
  • Date updated filter shows accounts where information was updated at specified intervals or on any custom date.
  • User filter shows accounts that have a certain user added to the custom fields.
  • Date filter shows accounts that have the Date custom field with a value that corresponds to specified intervals or any custom date.
  • Notify filter shows accounts that have the Notify contact toggle enabled (for at least one contact linked to it) or disabled.
  • Email sync filter shows accounts that have the Email sync contact toggle enabled (for at least one contact linked to it) or disabled.
  • Mobile app filter shows if any contact associated with the account has installed the mobile app and logged in.

Print account list

To print an account list, click Print at the top right of the page.

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