Invoice list (Basic): Filter, search, print

TaxDome gives you lots of tools to manage and keep track of your client’s invoices. Access all your invoices at once or just the invoices for a specific client. Filter a list of invoices, print or export them to a CSV file—and more.

Invoice page

To view invoices for a specific client, go to Clients > Accounts from the left menu bar, select the account, then go to the Invoices tab from their profile. 

The Invoices tab in the client profile is available to the firm owner, admin or any team member with Manage invoices access rights. The green circle next to Invoices indicates how many unpaid and overdue invoices you have for the account.

To see the invoices for all your accounts, go to  Billing > Invoices from the sidebar menu. Note that this page only shows invoices that have already been issued. It doesn't show scheduled invoices. Here, we will tell you about one-time invoices listed in the Invoices subtab. Or you can read more about the Recurring invoices.

On the Invoices page, you’ll see these column headers:

  • Client: This is the client being invoiced; click their name to go to their profile
  • Invoice #: Each invoice has a unique number. Click it to open the invoice and view it (for paid invoices) or edit it (for the rest of the invoices)
  • Status: The invoice status.  
  • Assignee: The team member responsible for the invoice
  • Posted: This is the date the invoice was issued
  • Total: This is the total amount of the invoice
  • QuickBooks: If you have synced TaxDome with QuickBooks Online, you’ll see the invoice sync status here.
    • Synced: the invoice is successfully synced. Click on the status icon to open the invoice in QuickBooks Online.
    • Not synced: the invoice is not synced. It is possible that the service in this invoice was created before sync with QuickBooks. You can sync it manually.
    • Syncing: the invoice is being synced. This process takes time.
    • Failed: a sync error has occurred. Hover your mouse over the status icon to see the error message, then fix it.
    • Skipped: you skipped the sync for this invoice.
  • Last paid: Once the invoice is paid fully or partially, the payment date or time (if the same day) appears or is updated here. You can find the whole payment history for the invoice inside the invoice.
  • Amount paid: The invoice amount that has been paid.
  • Balance due: The invoice amount that still has to be paid.
  • Description: If added when the invoice was created, a memo about the contents of the invoice appears here

The total number of invoices, the total amount paid, and the total unpaid are displayed on the top left of the Invoices page. When the list is filtered, amounts are recalculated.

On the client Invoices page, the dollar amount of their outstanding invoices is displayed, as well as the available credits, net due (what the client owes after subtracting any available credits from their outstanding balance) and unbilled time.

Customize list of invoices

You can customize your list of invoices in different ways. You can resize, enable, disable and move columns to your liking.

You can customize the size of each column. To do so, click and hold the divider between column names and resize it by moving your mouse.

To set up the columns you want to be displayed in the invoice list, click the gear icon on the top right of the table.

Here you can select the columns you want to be displayed. You can enable, disable or move any columns you want, except for the  Client and Invoice # columns – you can't move them. After clicking Apply, the table will be rebuilt with new columns.

Clicking  Reset will display all columns.

Print list of invoices

Click the printer icon on the top right of the Invoices page to print the list.

Your browser will offer to print the list; it will include the date and time.

Search for invoices

To find specific invoices, type a keyword in the search field—an invoice number, the first/last name of the client, or the assigned team member—then press Enter on your keyboard. 

Click the x in the search field to clear it.

Filter list of invoices

Filters are useful when you need to find certain types of invoices. For example, filtering might allow you to quickly find all unpaid invoices. There are six ways to filter:

  • By account: View the invoices issued for a specific client.

  • By time frame: View the invoices issued during a specific number of days, months or years.

  • By amount: View the invoices in the amount greater, equal to or less than a specific amount.

  • By status: View only the invoices that are paid, partially paid, unpaid, or scheduled. When you select Unpaid, you are given the option to also view overdue invoices.

  • By payment method: View the invoices that can be paid by either credit card, or bank debit, or both.

  • By service: View the invoices that include specific services.

To narrow down a list of invoices, click Filter in the top-right corner of the page, select the filters, then click Apply. Save your filter combinations as templates for future use. (Read more about using and applying filters.)

Sort list of invoices

Sort invoices by status, date posted, date paid, amount, account or assigned team member. Click the up-down arrows next to the chosen column name to sort the list. The sorting option can also be applied after searching or filtering invoices.

Duplicate invoices

To create a copy of an existing invoice, go to the Invoices page or the Invoices tab of a client account, click the three dots to the far right of the invoice name and select Duplicate from the drop-down.

You will see the Create invoice page with all the details of your original invoice already filled in. Click the Create button or edit it the way you see fit.

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