Invoices (Advanced): Correct invoices & payments

Invoicing mistakes happen! Here, we show you how to fix them.

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Modifying an invoice before it’s paid

If you find that an invoice is incorrect before it has the  Paid or In progress status (for example, an invoice issued for $100 should, in fact, have been $150), it isn’t too late to fix it. You can either edit the invoice or delete it and issue a new invoice.

To modify the amount of an invoice:

1. Go to the Invoices tab in the client’s profile.

2. Invoices that haven’t yet been paid are tagged unpaid. Click on the three-dots icon to the right of the unpaid invoice, then choose Edit from the drop-down menu.

3. Correct the amount, then click Submit.

Deleting an invoice before it’s paid

Another way to correct an invoice that hasn’t yet been paid is to delete it altogether and issue a new one

1. Go to the Invoices tab in the client’s profile.

2. Invoices that haven’t yet been paid are tagged unpaid. Click on the three-dots icon to the right of the unpaid invoice, then choose Delete from the pull-down menu. 

3. Click Delete in the Delete Confirmation pop-up, then issue a new invoice. 

Modifying/deleting an invoice after it’s paid

If an invoice has already been paid, you won’t be able to edit or delete it. After the payment has been posted, the invoice is linked to it and must remain the same for record-keeping. You can, however, issue a refund.

1. Go to the Invoices tab in the client’s profile.

2. Paid invoices are tagged paid. Click three dots and View invoice at the right of the paid invoice. In the Payment History section of the Invoice pop-up, click on the link for the payment. 

3. The payment information is then displayed in the View Payment slide-out on the right. Click the Refund Payment link in the upper right corner, then process the refund (see Deleting Payments below). 

Deleting payments

After the payment has been posted, it must remain the same for record-keeping. That's why we don't allow deleting credit card payments. You can delete only bank debits payments (for example, if it was declined by Stripe or CPACharge). Read the details in the article.

For credit card payments, you do have the option to issue a refund.

1. Go to the Invoices tab in the client’s profile. 

2. In the Payments list, find the one you want to refund, then click three dots and View invoice to its far-right. (Another way to find a payment is by viewing the invoice’s payment history.)

3. In the View Payment slide-out, click the Refund Payment link in the upper right corner, then decide whether you want to refund the payment in full or partially. 

When you issue a refund, you must decide what you want to do with the client’s credits. By default, the client’s credit balance will be reduced by the refund amount, but you can also choose not to reduce it or to reduce it by another amount. For more details about this, go here.

4. Specify the reason for the refund, then click Issue Refund.

What happens when you issue a refund, depending on the payment type:

  • Payments made through Stripe/CPA Charge: The payment is marked as refunded, and you subtract the refunded amount from the client’s credit balance, either fully or partially. The client receives a refund in the credit card account they used for the payment. Stripe/CPA Charge immediately submits the refund to that account. Depending on the bank, it takes 5 to 10 business days to show up in the client’s account.
  • Offline Payments: The payment is marked as refunded, and you subtract the refunded amount from the client’s credit balance, either fully or partially.

To learn more about client credits and issuing a refund, go here.

A client paid an invoice from the wrong profile

 You might need to move a payment from one account to another...

  • ...if a client already has an account but used a newly created one to pay an invoice. 
  • ...if a client has several accounts and paid from the wrong one.

To fix these issues:

  • Delete the secondary account: Delete the account (for more details, go here); this will delete the prepayment made as well. Then add an offline payment to the correct account (for more details, go here).
  • Add a credit: Add a promotional credit to the correct account (for more details, go here). Adding a promotional credit doesn’t affect your firm’s revenue, and you’ll see the money linked to the correct account.

Manually mark an invoice as paid when the payment wasn’t made on TaxDome

If you’ve issued an invoice from TaxDome but received payment via other means (cash or a mailed check, for example), here’s what you can do to mark it as paid.

  1. Add an offline payment for your client in the amount of the invoice: Click New at the top, select Offline payment from the slide-out, then enter the amount of the payment.
  2. Make sure the payments used for revenue calculations option is selected, then indicate the source (cash, check, or credit card).
  3. Add a description outlining what the payment is for.
  4. You will see the unpaid invoices for the selected client on the right. Select the invoice the payment covers.  
  5. Click Submit. The invoice will be marked as paid.

Correcting recurring invoices

When your clients ask you to change the next payment date or ask you to add one more service, you can edit a specific scheduled invoice without affecting the other ones. 

This could be done only:

  • when the recurring invoice is already accepted by the client AND
  • if the scheduled invoice is unpaid

To do so, click on the three dots to the right of the invoice you want to change in the Payment schedule section, then select Edit.

For details on editing recurring invoices, go here.

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