Get how-tos & step-by-step instructions on how to solve common tasks with TaxDome
- Pipelines (Use Case): Automated discounts for returning clients
- Pipelines (Use Case): Sending different proposals to new & returning clients
- Pipelines (Use Case): Handling filing extensions
- Pipelines (Use Case): Automate job assignment via account tags
- Manage Team (Use Case): Best practices for handling seasonal employees
- Manage Team (Use Case): Plan time budget for jobs
- Email (Use Case): Sync several accounts to the same email address
- Communication (Use Case): Personalize interactions for specific client groups
- Signatures (Use Case): Get owner e-sign with minimal admin work
- Manage team (Advanced): Use shared client account for team communication & internal time tracking
- Documents (Use Case): Send docs to multiple clients at once
- Client actions without login