Statuses: Overview

What’s happening with an organizer, proposal, invoice or message now that you’ve sent it to the client? TaxDome’s Status feature lets you know at a glance with color-coded tags. Statuses help prioritize the work and let you know when it might be your turn to take charge. Learn all about statuses here.

Covered here:

Task statuses

Task statuses help you and your team keep track of tasks. The color-coded tags below show you what you need to know about the tasks on your task list.

What the task statuses mean:

  • No Status: The task has not yet been given a status.
  • Planned: The task must be performed.
  • In review: The task is being reviewed.
  • In Progress: The task is being performed.
  • On hold: The task's progress is paused.
  • Extended: An extension was filed for the task.
  • Waiting for Client: The client needs to perform an action to complete the task.
  • Waiting for Signatures: A document needs to be signed to complete the task.
  • Waiting for agency: Pending a response from the IRS.
  • Completed: The task is done.
  • Canceled: The task is canceled.

How to see task statuses:

  • On the Insights page, go to the Tasks: to do widget.
  • In the Overview tab of the client account.
  • In Tasks, go to Workflow. (Tip: Filter your tasks by status.)
  • On a job card (if a task is linked to the job).
  • When you move a job to a new stage.
  • In the task template.

To change the status of a task without editing it, hover your mouse over the status to display other statuses, then select a new status.

You can learn more about filtering a task list by status.

Proposal statuses

Proposal statuses help quickly identify whether a proposal needs to be signed, has been fully signed or is awaiting one or more additional signers to sign.

What the proposal statuses mean:

  • Pending: The proposal must be signed.
  • Signed: All signers have signed.

Filter your client account list to see which have pending or partially signed proposals. For more details, go here.

How to see proposal statuses:

  • In the Clients section, go to Proposals & ELs.
  • In the Proposals & ELs section,
  • In the Overview tab of the client account.
  • On a job card (if a proposal is linked to the job).
  • When you move a job to a new stage.

Chat thread statuses

These statuses keep you and your team up-to-date on all active and unread chat threads. View them in the Clients section.

What the chat thread statuses mean:

  • Active: The chat thread is still ongoing. To avoid clutter, archive or delete it once you and the client have finished the exchange.
  • Unread: This means at least one message in a chat thread hasn’t yet been opened and read.

Clicking on the status of a chat takes you to the chat thread. Filter accounts by chat status: For more details, go here.

Organizer statuses

Stay on top of your organizer statuses to get to work on new jobs ASAP.

What the organizer statuses mean:

  • Pending: The organizer has been sent to the client, and they must fill it out.
  • Finished: The client completed the organizer and uploaded all the requested documents.

How to see organizer statuses:

  • In the Clients section, go to Organizers.
  • In the Organizers section, go to Overview for the client account.
  • On a job card if an organizer is linked to the job.
  • When you move a job to a new stage.

Filter your client account list to see which have pending organizers: For more details, go here.

Invoice statuses

Has a client paid you yet or did you even send them an invoice? Was your invoice synced with QuickBooks Online? Find out quickly by checking your invoice statuses and invoice QuickBooks statuses.

What the invoice statuses mean:

  • Paid: Yes—you guessed it—the client paid.
  • Scheduled: The invoice is created and scheduled to be sent to client at a specific date.
  • In progress: The client paid, but the payment hasn’t cleared yet. You most often see this status with Stripe payments, such as SEPA, Bacs or credit cards with 3-D Secure.   
  • Unpaid: The client hasn’t paid yet.
  • Overdue: The due date has passed and the client hasn’t paid. To learn how to change a due date, go here.

What the invoice QuickBooks statuses mean:

  • Synced: the invoice is successfully synced. Click on the status icon to open the invoice in QuickBooks Online.
  • Not synced: the invoice is not synced. The service billed with this invoice could have been created before sync with QuickBooks Online.
  • Syncing: the invoice is being synced. This process takes time.
  • Failed: a sync error has occurred. Hover your mouse over the status icon to see the error text, then fix it.
  • Skipped: you skipped sync for this invoice.

How to see invoice statuses:

  • Go to the Invoices page.
  • On a job card if the invoice is linked to the job.
  • When you move a job to a new stage.

You can find the invoice QuickBooks statuses on the Invoices page, If you have synced TaxDome with QuickBooks Online.

Filter the list of invoices to see all the ones that are overdue. For more details, go here.

Recurring invoice statuses

Has a client signed and accepted your recurring invoice? Did they pay the last scheduled invoice? Find out quickly by checking your recurring invoice statuses.

What the invoice statuses mean:

  • Active: The recurring invoice has been accepted; invoices will be sent according to the schedule.
  • Overdue: One or more invoices from the schedule has not been paid on time. 
  • Pending: The recurring invoice has not yet been signed by the client; the first invoice will be sent once the client signs and accepts the recurring invoice.
  • Draft: The recurring invoice is saved as a draft and has not been sent to the client.
  • Completed: The client has paid all of the scheduled invoices.
  • Deactivated: The recurring invoice has been deactivated by firm owner or team member. No scheduled invoices will be sent to the client.

You can find the statuses of your recurring invoices in the Recurring invoices tab of the Invoices page.

Payment statuses

Quickly find out what’s going on with every payment by viewing their statuses.  

  • Paid: A payment in full was successfully completed.
  • Failed: The client’s bank declined the transaction. Suggest your client try again or contact customer service at their bank.
  • Incomplete: The client paid, but an action is required (e.g. 3D Secure authorization needed).
  • Verifying payment: The client paid, and the payment is being verified (mainly bank payments). The status changes to Paid once the bank approves the transaction. If something prevents the payment from going through, you’ll get an Inbox+ notification, and the payment status will switch to Incomplete (if the 3D Secure authorization is needed) or Failed.

You can also check the payment QuickBooks statuses to see what's synced:

  • Synced: the payment is successfully synced.
  • Not synced: the payment is not synced. Read more about your options for syncing payments with QuickBooks in the article.
  • Syncing: the payment is being synced. This process takes time.
  • Failed: a sync error has occurred. Hover your mouse over the status icon to see the error text, then fix it.
  • Skipped: you skipped sync for this payment.

How to see payment statuses and payment QuickBooks statuses (if you have synced TaxDome with QuickBooks Online):

  • On the Invoices page, go to the Payments tab to see all payments. 
  • On the Clients page, go to Invoices and then open the Payments tab to find ones from specific accounts. 

Statuses for time entries

Time entries have a status, a type and an invoicing status showing you the current state of your time trackers as well as time billing options. Here are details on each item:

  • Timer status:
    • In progress: the time tracker is still on. You cannot yet create an invoice using this time entry.
    • Finished: the time entry is complete. If it's billable, you can create an invoice from it.
  • Type:
    • Billable: you can include this time entry on an invoice.
    • Non-billable: the time entry can not be billed and will have an empty invoicing status.
  • Invoicing status:
    • Billed: the time entry has already been billed for an invoice.
    • Unbilled: the time entry was not billed for yet. If it's finished, you can create an invoice for it.
    • Empty state: the time entry is Non-billable.

How to find the time entries statuses:

  • Go to the Time Entries tab of the Invoices page
  • Go to the Time Entries subtab of the Invoices tab of the client account
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