Automove (Basic): Send proposals & link to jobs
You can have your proposals and engagement letters created and sent automatically. Jobs will move on their own right to the next stage of the pipeline once the client signs a proposal and pays the attached one-time invoice (if any). To make automation magic happen, set up the Send proposal automation and turn on the Automove feature.
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Set up the proposal-sending stage and enable automove
This way of sending proposals works well when you send them for the same services and the same price to many customers. If your clients are different, you create custom proposals for each of them but still want to have them inside the pipeline, please jump to the next section.
The launch point for sending automated proposals is selecting a suitable stage in your workflow. Follow these steps:
- You need a proposal template with the terms that work for you. If you don't have one, you can create it by clicking New template when you add the automation.
- Make sure you have a stage in your pipeline for new proposals, then add the Send proposal automation. Once the job enters this stage, a new proposal is automatically sent to the client. At the same time, it will be linked to the job.
- Ensure that you have the Automove jobs toggle for the stage turned on. This way, once the proposal is fully signed and the attached one-time invoice is paid (if any), the job is automatically moved to the next stage.

Note! One-time invoices included in proposals are automatically linked to jobs.
Link custom proposal to a job manually
When each of your proposals is different, you can't use automations for sending them. Instead, you may have a general template with terms and firm info that is customized for each client (e.g., services added, invoices created, discounts applied, etc.) and then sent manually.
However, you can send proposals manually in your pipelines and still enjoy the benefits of the Automove feature.
See the video example below, then read how you can link your proposal manually:
Proposals can be linked to jobs by a firm owner, admin or any employee who has been given access rights to manage proposals. Once the proposal is manually linked, the automove jobs feature works the same for proposals sent and linked automatically: when the client signs and pays the attached one-time invoice (if any), the job is moved to the next stage.
There are three ways to link a proposal manually:
- From a job card: Open the job card, click Link in the Linked section, select Proposals & ELs, then choose the proposals. Or, click New in the Linked section, select Proposal / EL and create a new proposal linked to the job.
- From the proposal creation/editing screen: In the General step of proposal creation, choose a client, then click Add job at the bottom of the page. Once done, you will see selected jobs in the Linked jobs section along with the job title and the pipeline it belongs to.
- From the Proposals & ELs page/client's account tab: Click the three-dots to the far right of the sent proposal, select Link to job, then choose jobs from the list.
No matter what option is used, you can link as many proposals to a job as needed. One-time invoices included in proposals will be automatically linked to the job, too.
After linking, your team members can now easily access the documents they need in the Linked → Proposals & ELs section on the right side of the job card.

Note! If the proposal is not signed and you manually move the job to another stage, you’ll be prompted to decide what to do about the pending proposal (for more details, read about handling unfinished elements when moving jobs).
When do my jobs with linked proposals automove?
Automoving jobs with linked proposals depends on whether they have linked invoices, whether invoices are one-time or recurring, and what payment type is used. Here is what happens in each case:
- An invoice is issued and automatically linked to the job.
- When the invoice is paid, the job is automoved.
- If you manually unlink the invoice, the job is automoved.
- If you unlink the proposal, the invoice will also be unlinked.
- A proposal with recurring invoices with automatic payment and sufficient client funds. Upon signing the proposal, two parallel processes unfold:
- The job is automoved.
- An invoice is issued, which you can manually link to the job if necessary.
- The payment is automatically charged successfully.
- Proposal with recurring invoices with automatic payments, but the payment didn't go through. Upon signing the proposal, two parallel processes unfold:
- The job is automoved.
- An invoice is issued, which you can manually link to the job if necessary.
- The payment is NOT charged automatically for various reasons. TaxDome will attempt recharging after 1, 4, 24, and 48 hours. If these attempts fail and no manual payment is added, the invoice becomes overdue based on your configured settings.
- Proposal with recurring invoices with manual payments. Upon signing the proposal, two parallel processes unfold:
- The job is automoved.
- An invoice is issued, which you can manually link to the job if necessary.