Manage Team (Basic): Employee access rights

An employee is given different access rights on TaxDome depending on their responsibilities. An owner or admin chooses which access rights the employee should have when registering them, but those access rights can be changed or added at any time.

Change an employee’s access rights

An owner or admin can further expand an employee’s access rights to include more than the ones described below. All access rights changes will be reflected on the Activity feed page.

To change an employee’s access rights:

1. Go to  Settings > Team & Plans in the left menu bar, open the Team members tab, click on three dots to the far right of the employee’s name, then click Edit.

2. Select the specific access rights for the employee by toggling them on.

3. Click Save.

Every access right, explained

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Here are the descriptions of the different permissions offered in the Access Rights menu:

CRM permissions

View all accounts The employee can view all of the firm’s accounts (instead of being limited to only assigned ones). They can also view and send secure messages and emails, and create and read notes for all accounts. To give them access rights to view all contacts as well, toggle on  View all contacts.
Manage accounts The employee can create new accounts and manage existing ones (edit personal details, add a user to a profile, export account list, etc.). They can also edit account notes created by the other team members. Having access to managing accounts, they can also send client requests.
View all contacts The employee can view all of the firm’s contacts. To allow an employee to interact with all accounts, toggle on  View all accounts
Manage tags The employee can create, delete, apply tags and manually move a job to the stage with the Update account tags automation
Manage custom fields The employee can create, rename and delete custom contact and account fields
Manage contacts
The employee can create new contacts, link contacts to their assigned accounts, import accounts and contacts, export contact lists, edit existing contacts, and merge duplicates
Assign teammates The employee can give other employees access to accounts

Invoicing permissions

Manage payments The employee can add, edit or delete offline payments for all of the accounts to which they have access. They can also delete ACH payments. To allow them to create and view offline payments for all accounts, toggle on  View all accounts
Manage proposals The employee can send proposals to clients and see invoices within the proposals.
Manage time entries The employee can see and open the  Time Entries subtab under the Invoices tab in their client accounts. And they are allowed to edit and delete time entries created by all employees for that account. Note: the employee doesn't need access rights to manage invoices for viewing the Time Entries subtab only
Manage rates in time entries The employee can see and change the service rates when working with time entries.
Manage invoices The employee can go to the Invoices tab in a client account to create, view and assign invoices to other team members. To give an employee access to all of the firm’s invoices, toggle on  View all accountsNote: the employee can assign invoices only to team members who have access to that account
Manage services The employee can create, edit and delete firm services

Workflow permissions

Manage pipelines The employee can create, edit and delete pipelines. Note that viewing existing pipelines is only possible if they are listed on the  Available to field of the pipeline settings. Read more on giving pipeline access
Manage job recurrence The employee can add accounts to the recurrence schedule and set up individual schedules for all of the accounts to which they have access. To allow them to manage job recurrence for all accounts, toggle on  View all accounts
Manage templates The employee can create, edit and delete templates for tasks, folders, messages, organizers, jobs, invoices, proposals and emails
Manage time budget The employee can see, add and edit all system features related to team capacity planning, including time budget and tracked time for jobs, time variance, and budget time spent. More on using time budget for planning the team capacity.

Organizers permissions

Manage organizers The employee can send organizers to clients
Edit organizer answers The employee can change or add answers to the client's organizers. Here's more on completing organizers on a client's behalf

Other permissions

Manage documents The employee can upload, move, edit and delete documents and folders, as well as apply folder templates in their assigned accounts. Employees without this access right can only view documents and folders. To allow an employee to manage documents for all accounts, toggle on  View all accounts
Charge firm balance The employee can add funds to the firm’s balance
Manage marketplace The employee can publish templates and edit or delete listings on the Marketplace
Manage site The employee can set up the firm’s landing page hosted on TaxDome and edit it
Manage public filter templates The employee can create and delete public filters. Here's more on sharing filter selections
Manage IRS transcripts The employee can access the  IRS subtab under Docs tab of the client account and request or view transcripts from there
View reporting The employee can access the Reporting section and create, search, edit and delete reports. View reporting provides access to all data used in reports
View Activity feed The employee can access the Activity feed page and view all events there, regardless of client account access rights.
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