Manage team (Basic): Activity feed

The activity feed is a centralized audit trail for all system events happening in your portal. It lets you track your team members' activity and clients' portal logins. This article will teach you which events you can track and how to interpret them.

Activity feed, explained

The Activity feed is a page designed for firm owners and admins. It allows you to check who and when did this or that action in the portal. Its main goal is to help you control your team members' activity, secure the integrity of the portal data and find out how often clients visit the client portal. 

Here are some cases when you might find it helpful:

  • Monitoring team activity: See when your employees log into the system to understand how much they really work.
  • Data leak: During the busy season, you may want to hire seasonal employees, but you must ensure they don't misuse the portal data. In the activity feed, you can check whether anyone has exported any data from the portal.
  • Assisting your clients: If your clients struggle with using the portal for the first time, the activity feed lets you see whether they managed to log into the portal.
  • Controlling changes in team structure/access rights: Be aware of all role updates, access rights granted to each team member, password changes, and more. 

Tip! The Activity feed page shows the number of exported entities for all export events, such as exporting an account or jobs list. If this number seems big, it might mean that someone is trying to steal your data. So, you might want to pay extra attention to such cases.

Access Activity feed

Select  Activity feed in the sidebar menu to open the page with all system events.

On the Activity feed page, you’ll see these column headers:

  • Date: The date the event took place. The table is sorted by this date in descending order, with the latest events at the top.
  • Account: The client/firm member account related to the event, if any. 
  • Type: The event type. Learn more about the event types.
  • Item: Particular entity that has been updated.
  • Action: The event summary. If only one action occurred, it is displayed in the list. For bulk actions, hover over a number to see details. Click the action to open the detailed event description.
  • User: The name of the person who performed the action. If it has changed (for example, the team member's username has been edited), the table displays the name at the event's time.

Click the action name in the  Action column to see the event details, such as the IP address, browser, OS and server date of the event. If any fields (e.g., the employee access rights) have changed, they'll also be displayed.

Share events

To share a particular event with anyone who can access the activity feed, open the event details, copy the URL from your browser and send it to your colleague using any convenient method.

Event types

There are different event types you can track on the Activity feed page. Below, we explain them in detail: 

Team management

The activity feed provides you with info on:

  • Team member role updates. For example: Employee Admin.
  • Team member access rights updates. For example: Manage invoices: Off → On.
  • Team member creation/deactivation.
  • Editing team member's name or email address.
  • Resetting the password.


The activity feed displays team members' and clients' portal logins.


The activity feed displays:

  • Exporting the account list.
  • Importing accounts.
  • Enabling/disabling the Login toggle for contacts.
  • Sending an invitation link.
  • Accepting the portal invitation by a client.


The activity feed displays exporting the contact list and importing contacts.


The activity feed displays exporting the job list.

Job recurrence

The activity feed displays exporting the job recurrence list.


The activity feed displays exporting the task list.


The activity feed displays exporting the payment list.

Firm settings

The activity feed displays anything that is being updated on the Settings > Firm settings page. The Item column shows the settings section.

Payment settings 

The activity feed displays:

  • Updating the default payment provider.
  • Updating enabled payment methods.
  • Enabling/disabling prepayments.


The activity feed displays connecting and disconnecting all integrations available in TaxDome (Stripe, QuickBooks, Zapier, and more).

Customize the event list

You can customize your Activity feed page in different ways. You can resize, enable, disable and move columns to your liking.

You can customize the size of each column, except for the Date one. The size of these columns can only be customized together. To customize all other columns, click and hold the divider between column names and resize it by moving your mouse.

To set up the columns you want displayed on the Activity feed page, click the gear icon on the top right of the table.

Here you can select the columns you want to be displayed. You can display, hide or move any columns you want. Action, Item, and Date columns couldn't be hidden. 

After clicking  Apply, the table will be rebuilt with new columns. Clicking  Reset will display all columns.

Filter the event list

Filters help you find specific events within your Activity feed based on certain criteria. For example, you can find all events that happened on a specific date, performed by a specific team member, or contained a specific action (e.g., account creation or password change). Here's more about filters.

Click Filter to filter the event list by account, action, date, type, item or user. You can also click the entity name in the Item column to apply a quick filter by item.

If you use some filters regularly, add them to your favorites. This may be helpful if you consider some unwanted activity (such as exporting data) and want to monitor it.

Who can do this?

Viewing the Activity feed is available to firm owners and admins. If you want other team members to access the activity feed, enable the View activity feed access right for them. Note that no events can be deleted by anyone.

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