Proposals (Basic): Create & apply templates
Proposal templates are used to define the scope of an engagement between your firm and a client. Create as many proposal templates for different uses (bookkeeping, single-year tax prep, audit, representation, financial analysis, clean-up, payroll, etc.) as you need.
Create proposal templates
A proposal template can be created by a firm owner, an admin or any team member who has manage templates access rights. It’s helpful to design templates in advance so that you have them ready to go or to further customize.
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To create a proposal template, go to Templates > Firm templates from the left menu bar, select Proposals & ELs, then click Create template.
Or access the template creation page by adding the Send proposal/EL automation while editing a pipeline, then clicking on New template.
Each proposal consists of several sections, each of them on a separate page. You have the option to customize which sections will the proposal template include and what will be inside each of them:

Tip! While your services, billing and payment options may require customization for each client, having a general proposal template with filled-in Introduction and Terms pages is a practical approach. This enables you to insert them when crafting a proposal swiftly.
Here, you can customize your proposal by choosing steps to include. For example, you may want to include information about your firm, contractual agreements, invoices for common services provided, etc.
Find out all the numbered settings:
1. Template name: Enter the title of your proposal template (clients won't see it).
2. Team member: Select the team member who will receive the payment associated with a proposal.
3. Proposal name: Enter the title of this proposal (clients will see it). Here, you can use shortcodes to include the account name, next year's date and other dynamic data.
4. Steps: Toggle on and off steps to be included in the proposal. Each step appears as a page in the proposal. Once selected, you can customize them.
5. Custom message in email: This message will replace the default text in the email system notification sent along with the invoice. The email won't be accessible to you after you send the request. You can also use account shortcodes based on custom fields and date shortcodes.
6. Reminders: Toggle on to enable sending automatic reminders for pending proposals.
Introduction & Terms
These two steps are similar so we'll cover them altogether.
The Introduction page is the place where you can introduce yourself. Explain to your clients who you are, what services you provide, the value you bring, and any other information you want to share. Include images and videos to make your self-presentation shine (the maximum image size is 5 MB).
The Terms page is where you can provide your engagement letter or contract that outlines the terms of the relationship between your firm and the client.
Find out all the numbered settings (they are similar for both steps).
1. Title: Rename this section to better align with your branding or the specific content you're including (clients will see it).
2. Text body: Edit your introduction here, add a logo, upload pictures from your computer, and embed video, if needed.
3. Format: Use different tools (font, alignment, links and so on) to work with text.
4. Insert: Use shortcodes to include the account name, next year's date and other dynamic data.
Services & invoices
You can send a one-time or recurring invoice along with the proposal, ask the client for a deposit on acceptance or send the proposal with a list of services only. You will be able to issue an invoice at any later point as well.
Here are all the available settings:
1. Invoice or send a price list only:
- Add invoice or ask for deposit: Send an invoice along with the proposal or ask the client for a deposit on acceptance.
- Add itemized services without creating invoices: Send your client a list of your services without issuing an invoice.
2. Invoice type: Select whether you want a one-time or recurring invoice to be created for this proposal. Don't forget that all recurring invoices need to be signed. That means after your clients sign the proposal, they must then sign a recurring invoice.
3. Invoice template: Select one of your one-time or recurring invoice templates from the drop-down menu.
4. Team member: Select a team member responsible for the client.
5. Issue invoice: Select when the invoice will be issued, whether on proposal acceptance or a specific date. If a specific date is chosen, you need to determine it.
6. Description: Add a description outlining what's included in the invoice (optional).
7. Line items: Itemize the services performed and any discounts applied.
- Line item: Click Line item and create a new service or select an existing one to itemize your invoices. You can add as many line items as you wish.
- Discount: Click Discount to set up the lowered price in the invoice.
8. Settings: Set up which columns will be displayed in the line items.

Note! If fields (e.g., Description and Service date) in the line items are empty and you didn't hide these columns, they will automatically be hidden from the invoice. There is a different logic for the Rates & Qty and Tax columns: you should hide them in Settings so they are not displayed in the invoice, even if the value is set to 0.
9. Summary:
- Subtotal: This is the sum of the amounts for the services provided before tax.
- Tax rate: Once a tax is added, it’s reflected in the total. If you disable the Tax column, the value set in the default tax rate will be displayed but will not be taken into account.
10. Note to client: Add a message to clients and personalize it using shortcodes. It can be either a note with the payment details or just a message. This note will be displayed in the client portal and the PDF invoice.
11. Add one more invoice: Click to have more invoices created.
If you have chosen to send invoices along with your proposal you will also have to decide how you would like to be paid.
Find out all the numbered settings:
1. Payment method: This is how you want your invoices to be paid (either by credit card, bank debits, or both). We support a number of payment methods.
2. Payment authorization: Select whether you want the payments to be authorized and then proceed automatically or not.
Automatic payment: Clients accept the terms and authorize payment once. Subsequent payments happen automatically. This option is available for Stripe only.
Manual invoice payment: Clients will have to pay each invoice manually. This option is available for Stripe and CPACharge.
Click Save Template to save changes and go back to the templates list.
Add proposal templates from the Marketplace
You can download ready-made proposal templates with the best practices. To add a proposal template from the Marketplace:
1. Go to Templates > Marketplace from the left menu bar and open the Proposals & ELs tab.
2. Click Get free on the template you want to add or click on its price and proceed with the payment if it's a paid template.
3. Go to Templates > Firm templates, open the Proposals & ELs tab and click on the name of the proposal template to begin editing. Make sure to insert info about your firm in all places where it is needed.
Apply proposal templates
Once you’ve created a template, you can use it to speed up the process of making new proposals. Here’s how:
1. Create a new proposal either by clicking New at the top left and selecting Proposal or by selecting one or more recipients in your Accounts list and then clicking on Send Proposal.
2. Click in the Template field, then select a proposal from the pull-down menu.
3. Go through the proposal steps and make edits, if needed, then send.

Note: Changes you make to the proposal don’t alter the selected template.
Edit proposal templates
To make changes to a proposal template, follow these steps:
1. Go to Templates > Firm templates from the left menu bar, open the Proposals & ELs tab, then click on the proposal template’s name
2. Go through the proposal steps,make edits and save.

Note: The changes you make to a proposal template are not reflected in the proposals already created with that template.
Duplicate proposal templates
Create new proposal templates based on existing ones: click three dots to the far right of the proposal template’s name, then select Duplicate. The template’s copy will be saved with the appropriate suffix (e.g., Proposal (2)).
Delete proposal templates
To remove a proposal template completely, go to Templates > Firm templates from the left menu bar, then open the Proposals & ELs tab. Click three dots to the far right of the proposal template’s name, click Delete, then confirm by clicking Delete in the Delete Confirmation pop-up.