Services (Basic): Add to invoices
The Services feature allows you to create itemized invoices. Here, find out how to add services as line items and customize them.

Attention! If you have the QuickBooks integration already set up, make sure to select Service income account before adding services to invoices. This will ensure that invoices will appear in the right QuickBooks account. Here's more on TaxDome transactions and your QuickBooks account.
Add services to invoices
You can add services to one-time and recurring invoices while manually sending them to clients and using invoice templates. To add services to invoices:
1. Select depending on your case:
- I manually create and send the invoice. Click New on the top left, then select Invoice from the menu. You can also edit an already existing invoice.
- I use invoice templates. Navigate to Templates > Firm templates from the left menu bar, then select the Invoices or Recurring invoices tab and click Create Template or edit an existing one.
2. Start filling in the required fields using the appropriate instructions:
- Create a one-time invoice or recurring invoice
- Create a one-time invoice template or recurring invoice template
3. Carefully manage the Line items section. The more thoroughly you fill it out, the clearer and more meaningful the invoice will be to your clients. It will also be useful for more accurate sales analysis.
To manage Line items, work under the following columns:
- Product or service. Start typing the name of the service in the Service name field. When you click on a field, you will see your firm's ten most recently used services. You can also specify a service that doesn't exist by typing a new name, clicking Create service and following the instructions.
- Service date. Specify the date on which the services specified in the invoice were performed. In some countries, it is used to comply with laws. You can hide this column if you don't need it.
- Description. Add the description of the service. You can hide this column if you don't need it. If the description is too long, you can split it into paragraphs by pressing Enter.
- Class. Select a class from the dropdown for the invoice to be sent to QuickBooks (clients will not see this field).
- Tax. Check the box If you need to include tax rates. You can hide this column if you don't need it.
- Rate. Specify the tariff or rate applicable to the services specified in the invoice. You can hide this column if you don't need it.
- Qty. Change if the number of services you provide exceeds one (the default value). For example, if you’re preparing past-due 1040 returns for three years, enter 3. You can hide this column if you don't need it.
- Amount. Value is specified automatically by multiplying the rate by qty. You don't need to change the default value if you include only one service.
Click Line item to add more services. You can link as many services as needed. By clicking Discount, you can add a line with the discount.
4. Continue filling out the invoice or template. You can see how it will be displayed using the Preview feature.
Hide or show columns
You can configure the columns displayed in the services line items: hide or show them. Click Settings at the top right of the Line items section and manage the checkboxes in the following columns: Service date, Description, Tax, Rate and Qty. Note that these changes refer only to the current invoice or template.
To make the column preset apply to all invoices, not just a specific one, configure the desired ones in Settings > Billing.

Note! If fields (e.g., Description and Service date) in the line items are empty and you didn't hide these columns, they will automatically be hidden from the invoice. There is a different logic for the Rates & Qty and Tax columns: you should hide them in Settings so they are not displayed in the invoice, even if the value is set to 0.
How to find invoices with specific services
You can quickly find invoices that contain specific services. Go to Billing > Invoices from the left menu bar, click Filter, select the services next to the Services filter, and click Apply. Once the filter is applied, the list of invoices is narrowed.