QuickBooks integration (Advanced): Handle sync issues

We try to provide smooth sync between TaxDome and QuickBooks. However, occasionally, sync issues do occur. The firm owner and admins always get notifications about QuickBooks sync errors and can fix them.

Covered here:

Sync issues types, explained

If you get an error, watch out for these possible reasons, so you can fix it:

  • Your TaxDome account data doesn’t match the QuickBooks data.
  • QuickBooks sync with TaxDome was disabled on QuickBooks.
  • You have edited/deleted a QuickBooks entry that was earlier synced with TaxDome.

To review and handle sync issues, either click the orange banner at the top or go to your TaxDome Settings > Integrations from the left menu bar, then select the QuickBooks tab and review the QuickBooks Errors section. You will see the summarized number of errors next to QuickBooks and the number of errors per category next to category names.


  • Client: These are errors caused by TaxDome and QuickBooks client data not matching.
  • Invoices: These are errors caused by TaxDome Invoices and QuickBooks Invoices data not matching. For example, if you have manually changed a TaxDome invoice number, you may have to duplicate the invoice number in QuickBooks.
  • Payments: These are errors caused by TaxDome and QuickBooks Payments data not matching.
  • Refunds: These are errors caused by TaxDome and QuickBooks Refunds data not matching.
  • Expenses: These are errors caused by Stripe Payment Processing Fees and QuickBooks Expenses data not matching.
  • Services: These are errors caused by TaxDome and QuickBooks Product/Services data not matching.

How to fix errors

Find the error that occurred in the QuickBooks Errors section of the Settings > Integrations page. Then, find a suitable fix in the Common Errors & Fixes.

If necessary, select the required action to the right of the error in the QuickBooks Errors section. You can choose the Skip this error option if the error occurs again and you don't want to be notified about it.

Common errors & fixes

Here, we've compiled a table featuring the most common QuickBooks error messages and their corresponding solutions:

Item no. Error message Issue type Description How to resolve
1 Can't find an exact match for *Account name* in your QuickBooks account Client There are no customers matching the required account name in your QuickBooks account Select the Create new customer in QuickBooks option in the QuickBooks Error section of the Settings > Integrations page.
If you manually created customer in QuickBooks, you can manually sync account in TaxDome. 

2 Duplicate Name Exists Error: The name supplied already exists. : Payments/Invoices The payment method in QuickBooks is selected incorrectly. For payment method CREDIT CARD, type: CREDIT_CARD should be selected instead of type: NON_CREDIT_CARD Edit and save payment method in QuickBooks. Log in to TaxDome as the Firm owner and resync the sync errors on the QuickBooks tab of the Settings > Integrations page.
3 Invalid Customer: The customer you have specified has been deleted. You cannot create or edit a transaction with a deleted customer. Client The encountered error arises when an account has been removed from QuickBooks. Skip the error on the QuickBooks tab of the Settings > Integrations page.
4 Duplicate Document Number Error: Duplicate Document Number Error : You must specify a different number. This number has already been used. DocNumber=1781 is assigned to TxnType=Invoice with TxnId=3188 Payments/Invoices An issue has arisen where invoice numbers are being generated independently in TaxDome and QuickBooks, leading to a discrepancy between the two systems. This error indicates that, at some stage, the invoice numbers have overlapped, resulting in conflicting numbering sequences. To avoid automatic number sequencing conflicts between TaxDome and QuickBooks, you can:
  • Manually set the number sequencing in TaxDome after verifying unused numbers in QuickBooks. Learn more here.
  • Enable the Custom transaction numbers option in QuickBooks settings to input specific numbers for transactions.
By implementing these options, you can prevent numbering inconsistencies. You can also enable the Sync invoice number with QuickBooks online option on the QuickBooks tab of the Settings > Integrations page.
5 Invalid Reference Id: Invalid Reference Id : Line.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemRef Payments/Invoices Client assigned to this transaction has been deleted. Skip the error on the QuickBooks tab of the Settings > Integrations page.
6 A business validation error has occurred while processing your request: Business Validation Error: The Amount Received (plus credits) can't be less than the selected charges. Also, the selected charges can't be less than the selected credits. Payments/Invoices This error occurs when a vendor credit is applied to the Invoice in TaxDome, and that application is trying to sync to QuickBooks Online, but the open balance of the Invoice in QuickBooks Online is less than the credit amount applied. If the invoice is already marked as paid in QuickBooks Online, research payments in both QuickBooks Online and TaxDome to ensure they match. If necessary, void the payment and/or remove the credits in QuickBooks Online.
7 Invalid account type used: Invalid account type: Check your account details before you continue. You may need to select a different type of account for your transaction. Expenses Wrong account is selected in the Expenses settings in QuickBooks. Change the in QuickBooks Expenses account type to the Credit Card, and click Resync under the three dots to the far right of the error on the QuickBooks Integrations tab.
8 Please specify the income account Services Income account is not specified. Specify the service income account

on the  QuickBooks tab of the Settings > Integrations page

9 Invalid account type used: Invalid account type: You can't associate a product or service with accounts of certain types (such as Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable). Services This error occurs when an item is attempting to sync from TaxDome to QuickBooks Online, but the account associated with the provided service isn't the correct account type. In TaxDome, edit the provided service to the correct account type, and sync again. If the product or service is something you sell, choose an Income account; if it's something you purchase, choose an Expense account. Learn more here.
10 String length is either shorter or longer than supported by specification: string length specified does not match the supported length. Min:0 Max:100 supported. Supplied length:110 Services This error occurs when an item is attempting to sync from TaxDome to QuickBooks Online, but the account associated with the provided service isn't the correct account type. In TaxDome, edit the provided service to the correct account type, and sync again. If the product or service is something you sell, choose an Income account; if it's something you purchase, choose an Expense account. Learn more here.
11 Various services errors Services Any service error Delete the service from the  QuickBooks tab of the Settings > Integrations page. Also, edit the Service income account, then create a new Service, and sync it with QuickBooks.
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