Tasks list (Basic): View & manage

Find all your team's tasks in one place and discover what's in progress at your firm. Learn how to view, filter, manage them—and more.

Task list

To see your tasks list, go to Workflow > Tasks from the left menu bar. In the task list, you’ll see these icons:

This means the task is recurring.

This means the task is overdue—the due date has passed and the status hasn’t yet been changed to Completed or Canceled.

The page will contain all tasks of your firm.

You’ll also see these column headers:

  • Task name: This is the name you or a team member have given the task
  • Account: Click on the account name to instantly access its details

  • Assignee: This tells you who is assigned to the task
  • Status: Tasks can be assigned Planned, In review, In Progress, On hold, Extended, Waiting for Signatures, Waiting for Client or Waiting for agency, or no status at all. To change the status of a task without editing it, hover your mouse over this column to display the statuses, then select the one you need

  • Priority: Tasks have a Low, High, Medium or Urgent priority. Tags help you prioritize the tasks. To change the priority of a task without editing the task, hover your mouse over the column to display priority levels, then select the one you need

  • Subtasks: The first figure is the number of completed subtasks; the second is the total number of subtasks
  • Due date: This is the deadline for the task to be completed
  • Job name: This is the name of the job to which the task is linked. Click on the job to view its details and make changes, if needed
  • Pipeline: If a task is linked to a job, you’ll see what pipeline it’s in. Click on the pipeline name to go to the pipeline
  • Stage: If a task is linked to a job, you’ll see what stage it’s in. Click the name of the stage to navigate to the pipeline
  • Tags: Colorful tags can be added to tasks so that you can filter later
  • Description: Writing a description is optional and may be useful

If you open the Completed tab, you will also see two more column headers on the far right:

  • Completed date: This is the date the status of the task was changed to Completed.
  • Canceled date: This is the date the status of the task was changed to Canceled.

To search for tasks, type a task name or its part in the search field. 

Customize task list

You can customize your list of tasks in different ways: resize, enable, disable and move columns to your liking. 

To customize the size of columns (except for the Task name and Assignee columns), click and hold the divider between column names and resize it by moving your mouse.

To set up the columns you want to be displayed, click the gear icon on the top right of the table.

Here you can select the columns you want to be displayed. You can enable, disable or move any columns you want, except for the Task name column. After clicking Apply, the table will be rebuilt with new columns. 

Clicking  Reset will display all columns.

Filter task list

Filters are useful when you want to view tasks by type. For example, filter to find all overdue tasks. There are different ways to filter tasks:

Quick filter by assignee/unassigned

In the dropdown on the left, there's a quick filter by assignee:

  • Tasks assignees = me. This filter is applied by default. It allows you to see only the tasks assigned to you.
  • All Tasks. It allows you to see all tasks for the client accounts you have access to, disregarding the assignees.
  • Unassigned. It allows you to see all unassigned tasks for the client accounts you have access to.

One-click and advanced filters

Depending on your needs, you can use quick filters right from the list, or take the time and build advanced queries. Plus, you can save any of your selections as filter presets for later use—and even share them with your team. Read more about TaxDome filters

To filter your tasks list using one-click filters, click the + Filter dropdown at the top left of your Tasks page and select the filter and the parameter:

  • Selecting Is will display tasks that contain the value selected in the filter
  • Selecting Is not will display all tasks that don't contain the value selected in the filter

Here are the different filters you can apply:

  • Account name: See only the tasks belonging to specific accounts
  • Task assignee: See only the tasks assigned to specific team members
  • Pipeline and stage: See only the tasks in specific pipelines. Select a stage or stages from different pipelines to narrow the results even more
  • Start date: See only the tasks that have a start date within a specified time frame
  • Due date: See only the tasks that have a due date within a specified time frame
  • Tags: See only the tasks with specific tags
  • Priority: See only the tasks with a specific priority level (LowHighMedium or Urgent)
  • Task status: See only the tasks with a specific status (PlannedIn reviewIn ProgressOn holdExtended, Waiting for Signatures, Waiting for Client or Waiting for agency) or no status at all
  • Date created: See only the tasks that were created TodayLast weekLast monthLast quarterLast year or on any custom date
  • Date updated: See only the tasks that were updated TodayLast weekLast monthLast quarterLast year or on any custom date

Sort tasks

Use sorting to find certain tasks—and you can do it while filtering and searching, too.

To sort tasks, click the up-down arrow next to the column header. You can sort tasks by:

  • Task name
  • Account
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Due date
  • Job name/Pipeline/Stage

Print task list

To print a task list, click the print icon in the top right corner.

Your browser will prompt you to print the list, which will include the current date and time.

Manage tasks

If you are involved in task management, TaxDome offers you two options:

  • Tasks widget of the Insights page: shows the list of tasks for a certain day grouped by priorities. From here, it's possible to view and change Task priorities, Statuses and Due dates.
  • The Reporting feature: Tasks and Jobs assignments dashboard is designed to help you track all tasks assigned to your team and to answer the question what is staff performance?

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