Tasks (Basic): Create & apply templates
Create task templates to use for triggering new tasks, populating existing ones, or applying with automations in pipelines. Task templates save time by putting together commonly used sets of tasks and storing them for future use. You’ll find them especially helpful for frequently used procedures and ensuring best practices.
Create task templates
A task template can be created by a firm owner, admin or any employee who has been given access rights to manage templates.
To create a task template, follow these steps:
1. Go to Templates > Firm templates from the sidebar menu, then click Create template.
You can also access this page by adding the Create task automation while creating or editing a pipeline and clicking New template.
2. Enter the name of the task template (e.g., Prepare 1040) in the required field.
3. That’s it! Click Save & Exit.
Read about all task features in detail:
a. Template name: This is what you will see when selecting your template.
b. Status: Select the initial task status.
c. Priority: Set the priority level that the tasks should start with—Low, High, Medium or Urgent. The default priority level is Medium.
d. Description: Enter a description to define the tasks (optional). You can use text formatting, emojis, bullets, numbered lists, and insert links.
e. Tags: Add tags to the template. This helps you categorize your tasks and sort out unnecessary information. Use our predesigned tags or create a new ones.
f. Assignees: Select one or more task assignees. You can select Team members or Roles:
- Team members: Select a team member's name or several names.
- Roles: Select an account role or roles. When a task is created based on the template, all team members assigned to the relevant roles in a client account will be allocated to the task.
g. Start and due dates: Set start and due dates for tasks; these are considered either relative or absolute (approximate or firm):
- Relative (default): Set a period of time for how long after the start date the task is due (e.g., start one day after the task was created; finish two weeks after the start date). If no start date has been set, the due date is calculated from the task creation date.. Note, that you cannot set more than 10 000 units (days/months/years).
- Absolute: Toggle on Absolute dates to set start and due dates from the calendar instead (for example, April 15).
Setting dates is optional but can be a helpful time-management tool for you and your team. Plus, you’ll receive a reminder email three days before the task’s due date.
h. Subtasks: Toggle on Subtasks to add a checklist of to-do items; these will need to be performed in order for the overall task to be completed. Fill in the name of the subtask, then click Add subtask to create more checklist items.
i. Save & exit, Save and Cancel: Click Save & exit to save the template and go back to the templates list, Save to keep your changes and continue editing the template or Cancel to exit without saving.
Add default task templates from our library
We offer default task templates, which you can also easily edit. To add a task template from our library:
1. Go to Settings > Firm templates from the left menu bar, then click Copy from library.
2. Click the copy icon to the right of the template you want to add.
3. When you add a template from our library, the assignees and tags lists will always be empty. You’ll need to fill them in with your own choices as well as edit the other fields as needed. Click on the template’s name, make your changes, and then click Save & exit.
Apply task templates
Once you’ve created a template, you can use it to speed up your task creation. Here’s how:
1. Create a new task or edit an existing one.
2. Click the Template list to expand it, then select a template.
3. Continue by creating the task. You can now edit any task properties that were already filled in—that is, add or remove subtasks, assignees, tags, etc.

Note! Changes you make to a task don’t affect the selected template.
Edit task templates
To make changes to a task template, follow these steps:
1. Go to Settings > Firm templates from the left menu bar, then click on the task template’s name in the list.
2. Make changes to the task template, then click Save & exit.
Duplicate task templates
You can create new task templates from existing ones. Click the three dots to the far right of the task template name, then select Duplicate from the pull-down. A copy of the task template will be saved with the appropriate suffix (e.g., Form 940 (2)).
Delete task templates
To remove a task template completely, go to Settings > Firm templates from the left menu bar, click three dots icon to the far right of the task’s template name, select Delete, then click Delete again to confirm.