CRM (Basic): Account name, type, ID, and status

IDs help you quickly find an account and tell you whether it’s active or not, while an account name helps you tell your clients apart. When you add a client to TaxDome, their account is automatically given a unique ID code (one or two letters followed by a number, such as V1, WW1, or JG2) and an account name.

Account names

Accounts are entities you work for and bill. When you add a client to TaxDome, you can give it any name you want.

You will see it in the Name column of your client account list.

You can select the account name when creating an account.

Or, if you haven't entered it manually, the account name is generated automatically depending on the client type:

  • Account name for an individual = contact's first name + last name
  • Account name for a company = company name

You can edit the account name by going to the Info tab of the client's profile, then clicking the Edit link.

Account types

Accounts can be a Company, an Individual or Other, you will see it in the Type column of your client account list.

You can select the type when creating an account or during the import. If your client is a firm, select Company. If it's a person or a family, you can select Individual.

Account type can be edited either in bulk from the Clients list or by going to the Info tab of the client’s profile, and then clicking Edit to the right of Account details.

Account IDs

Account IDs are especially helpful when you have several clients with the same name. For example, a family may use separate accounts for Mary Smith (mother), Michael J. Smith (son), Mike and Mary Smith (parents), The Smiths, Inc. (family business), and Smith Partnership; it’s much easier to tell all of those apart with short account IDs.

You’ll see them in the ID column of your client account list.

Also, you can choose to display account IDs on job cards inside your pipelines.

If you know the ID, you can also use a global search for a client account.

IDs are automatically generated whenever a new client account is added to TaxDome:

  • IDs for manually added client accounts = first letter of the account name + a number that makes the entire combination unique.
  • IDs for imported personal accounts = first letter of client’s first name + first letter of their last name + a number that makes the entire combination unique.

Account statuses

IDs also show whether an account status is active (users log into the client portal) or offline. Statuses are color-coded so you can see them at a quick glance in your accounts list:

Green means the client account is active. The account has at least one user that can log on. Accounts pending activation appear active too (here's more on clients pending activation).

Beige means the client account is offline. The account exists on TaxDome but does not have users that can log on. You can add portal access to a client account by switching on the Login toggle.

Here you can learn more about filtering your clients by login status.

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