Docs (Basic): Document statuses
Statuses are color-coded tags that show you what stage a document is in, such as Signed or Pending Approval. Go to the Docs tab of the Documents section or of the client's profile to view them in the STATUS column.
If a document has more than one status, only the first is visible, and a bubble to the right shows how many there are altogether. Hover your mouse over the bubble to see the other statuses.
Here, a list of all document statuses:
- Pending Approval: A request to approve the document was sent to the client.
- Approved: The client approved the document.
- Disapproved: The client declined to approve the document.
- Pending Signature x/y: This shows you that x number have either signed or declined to sign out of y number of users. Hover your mouse over the status to see the details about each signer. Marked KBA or QES/AdES for specific signature type.
- Signed: All users have signed the document. Marked KBA or QES/AdES for specific signature type.
- Voided: The document was signed offline and then voided by your firm. Marked KBA or QES/AdES for specific signature type.
- Opted out: At least one user declined to sign the document with the qualified signature. Marked KBA or QES/AdES for specific signature type.
- KBA failed: No users have signed the document—and at least one failed the KBA.
- Sealed: The document has been sealed by someone at your firm so the client can’t make changes. For more details, go here.
- Pending Payment: The document is locked to an invoice and awaiting payment from the client. Until the client pays, they won’t be able to download it.

Note: To see all your docs awaiting payment or that need to be signed, filter them by status.