Docs (Basic): Preview, Edit, Download, Print & Filter

Here, find everything you need to know about managing your clients’ documents. We show you how to preview, download, filter, print—and more. Did you know you can also edit a PDF inside an account, then link it to a job? Read on to learn more about working with documents. 

Covered here:

Previewing Documents

Click on the name of the document to view it. TaxDome lets you preview PDFs, Office files (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), and all popular image files (jpg, jpeg, png, jfif, gif, etc.). Depending on the file type, there are different options for previewing.

  • Rotate clockwise or zoom in and out by clicking the icons on the right.

  • Click the three dots in the upper right corner to access the pop-up menu that allows you to...

  • Click the three dots in the upper right corner and select Show more info to see the document description, or the reasons for document disapproval or voided signature (the button is unavailable if there are none). Click X to the right or select Hide more info in the three dots menu to close the additional info.

  • If there are two or more documents in a folder, toggle between them using Previous and Next on the top right. Click Close on the bottom to return to the list of documents.

  • You can change the orientation of the document in preview mode. Click Document Editor, select the pages, then click Rotate Left or Rotate Right, then Save. Here's more on our built-in PDF editor.

Printing Documents

You can access the print option from either the document or the PDF viewer. To print PDFs and images (JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, WEBP, etc.) from an account, click the three dots to the far right of the document’s name, then select  Print.

Downloading Documents

To download documents, one at a time or in bulk, follow these steps:

1. Select the documents or folders you want to download, then click Download in the menu bar or access Download from the document viewer by clicking the three dots in the upper right corner of the page.

2. Choose where you want to save the file to. Click Save.

3. When the download finishes, click on the file name of the downloaded document to open it. If several documents or folders are selected, the documents are packed into a zip file. (For more details about choosing where you want files to download, go here). 


Note: Downloads of multiple documents are limited to 250 Mbytes. If the total size of selected files is more, deselect some of the documents or folders, then download them in a separate batch.

Changing a Document’s Properties

Document properties can be changed by a firm owner, admin or any team member with access rights to manage documents.

To edit a document’s name or description, click the three dots to the far right of the document’s name, then select Edit.

With documents in top-level folders with Client can view access, decide whether you want to toggle on Request client account approval or Lock this document to an unpaid invoice.

Filtering Documents

Filters help you narrow down a list of documents to ones that fit a specific criteria. You can filter a documents list...

  • ...inside the Documents tab in the Docs subtab (select the client first)
  • ...inside the Documents tab inside the Recent subtab (for more details, go here)
  • ...inside the client account in the Docs tab

To filter a list of documents, click Filter in the top right corner, select one or more filters, then click Apply.

Save your filter combinations as templates for future use. For more details about using filters, go here.

Ways to filter documents:

  • Account: See only the docs belonging to specific accounts.
  • Uploaded by: Select Client, Firm, Me or All to see only documents uploaded by your client, team members, you or everyone.
  • Last action: See only documents that underwent an action in the last certain number of days.
  • File Types: Select PDF, Word, Excel, Images, or All.
  • Signatures (choose one):
      • All shows all documents awaiting signing.
      • Signed shows all documents signed by all account users.
      • Partially Signed shows all documents signed by at least one account user.
      • Pending Signature shows all documents missing at least one account user’s signature.
      • Prepared for Signature shows all documents ready for signing that haven’t been sent out yet.
      • Opted Out shows all documents that all account users have declined to sign.
      • Pending KBA shows all documents with KBA that have at least one account user who needs to sign.
      • KBA Failed shows all documents that have at least one account user who has failed the KBA and/or users who declined to sign.
      • Signature Voided shows all documents that were signed offline and voided by your firm.
    • Approvals (choose one):
      • All shows all documents with requested approvals.
      • Pending Payment shows all locked documents awaiting payment.
      • Pending Approval shows all documents awaiting client approval.
      • Approved shows all client-approved documents.
      • Rejected shows all client-disapproved documents.

    Sorting a List of Documents

    Sorting is a useful tool to find documents. You can also sort a list after you’ve applied filters to it. Sorting a list by name puts it in descending or ascending alphabetical order; sorting it by date puts it in descending or ascending chronological order.

    Click on the up-down arrow to the right of the header name to sort the list beneath it.

    Linking Documents to Jobs

    This section was moved here.

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