Docs (Basic): Upload manually or automatically
There are tons of options for uploading documents to TaxDome: Drag-and-drop them, use a zip file that automatically unpacks—and more.
Documents can be uploaded by a firm owner, admin or any team member who has account access or manage documents access rights. Read on to discover all your uploading options.
How to upload documents
There are many ways to upload; choose what works best for you:
- Click New on the top left.
- Drag the documents or folders from your desktop to the Docs / Recent tab on the Documents page and drop them anywhere on the screen. You can also drop them anywhere inside the Docs tab for the account or simply drop them into a specific folder or subfolder to upload documents there.
- Click Upload Documents or Upload Folder in the Docs tab on the Documents page or in the Docs tab for the account.
- Use the TaxDome Desktop App.
- Use TaxDome Drive.
- Use Mobile app.
- Upload them using folder templates and automations in pipelines.
1. Click New on the top left, select Document from the slide-out or click Upload Documents inside the Docs tab on the Documents page or inside the Docs tab for the account, then select the files you want to upload from your computer. To select several files from one folder, use control or shift on your keyboard.
2. Go to the account you want to upload the files to.
3. Choose where you want to upload to. There are visibility icons for each document and folder for easy identification.
4. Click Upload to finish. When uploading to a top-level folder with Client can view or Client can view and edit access (for more details, go here), you’ll be able to toggle on some helpful settings (see below).
Keep in mind:
- Some file types are not recognized (for more details, go here).
- The maximum upload size is 300 Mb.
- It is impossible to upload documents to a sealed folder.
- To cancel uploading while it is in progress, click the x.
Upload settings
When you upload documents to a top-level folder with a Client can view or Client can view and edit access level, you can apply the following settings:
Notify client
When toggled on, all contacts linked to the account—with notifications enabled—receive an email notification when you upload a document. For more, go to the detailed article.
Mark as read for client
When toggled on, the documents are uploaded but not marked New for the client, and they won’t receive a notification. This feature is useful when first moving a client to TaxDome.
Notify followers when client opens document
When toggled on, all team members with account access—and notifications for documents enabled—receive a notification via email and in their Inbox+ when the client first opens the document. For details, go to the article on assigning team members to client accounts.
Request client approval
This setting is available only when uploading to a top-level folder with a Client can view access level. For more, go to the detailed article on client approval request.
Additional upload settings
Optionally, you can apply the following additional settings to all document uploads:
a. Reminders: Turns on client reminders about the requested approval. For details, go to the article on reminders.
b. Add description: Type in details about the document. Will be the same for each document, if you upload several at once, but can be edited individually.
c. Add tags: Apply document tags to organize files. For details, go to the article on tags.
d. Lock document to the unpaid invoice: This lets you upload a document so that the client sees that it’s available but can’t view or download it until they have paid for the work. For more, go to the detailed article.
e, f. Jobs: Link document to jobs. Here's more on linking docs.
Settings for individual files
When you upload several documents to an account, you may want to choose different settings for each file. For example, you want to get approval from a client on one document and lock another one to an invoice. Follow these steps:
1. Once you’ve selected the documents, click Set up individually in the top right. This settings option shows up only when you’re uploading two or more files.
2. Click the gear icon to the right of the file, then select the settings.
3. Click Save, then repeat for each file. Documents with added settings will be given color-coded status tags (Pending Approval, Pending Payment, Notify followers, Mark as read, or Notify Client) for easy identification.
4. Click Upload to finish.
Upload folders
To upload folders, choose the way that works best for you:
- Drag folders from your computer to the Docs / Recent tab on the Documents page and drop them anywhere on the screen. You can also drop them anywhere inside the Docs tab for the account or simply drop them into a specific folder or subfolder to upload folders there.
- Click Upload Folder inside the Docs tab on Documents page or inside the Docs tab for the account.
- Click New on the top left, then select Folder from the slide-out.
Keep in mind:
- File types that are not recognized won’t upload.
- Your folder structure carries over. All documents are placed in the selected TaxDome folder within their original folders.
Upload zip files
Zips are a great way to upload multiple documents at once. TaxDome uploads zip files of up to 300 Mb. They are uploaded the same as other files. However, once a zip file is uploaded:
- The zip file is automatically unzipped.
- File types not recognized won’t upload.
- Folders on the zip will not replicate on TaxDome, so you’ll need to create new folders to organize the documents.
- The original zip file that you uploaded is automatically deleted.
Client view
Clients can access documents you upload to folders with the Client can view permissions. Also, If notifications for the client are on, and you checked Notify client toggle when uploading a document, they are informed of it by email. Your clients can see and open documents in different ways:
- From the client portal or mobile app: Click the notification under the Waiting for action section or the link on the Documents page.
- From the email notification: Click View documents in the email.
Then, clients will interact with the uploaded documents. For documents with enabled Notify clients, there will be a New label.
Access a read-only view of a client’s portal to see TaxDome from their side.