Docs (Basic): Top-Level Folders & Access Levels
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Inside the Docs section of each client account, you can create top-level folders with different access levels. Within each folder, you’ll be able to add subfolders manually or by using folder templates.
Documents inside subfolders have the same access level as the top-level folder containing them. Visibility icons help identify the access level of each folder and document inside it:
Client can view and edit: Documents inside these folders are shared with clients: Clients can view, edit and delete them or move them to different folders.
Client can view: Documents inside these folders are shared with clients: They can see them but cannot delete, edit or manage them; only your firm can.
Private: Documents inside these folders are not visible to clients: A private folder is a safe place to store materials related to clients that they don’t necessarily need to see. For instance, a Private folder is a good place for drafts; reference materials for tax preparation; or proprietary spreadsheets, like Proseries or Lacerte files.

Note: Every client account must have at least one folder with Client can view and edit access. You can rename the folder if you’d like (Client Sees/Edits, for example), but you cannot delete it; this ensures clients always have a predictable place where they can view, upload and download documents.
Webinar: Learn how to centralize files, eliminate paperwork and streamline workflows with Master document management