Docs (Basic): Recent Documents

On the Documents page, inside the Recent tab, you’ll find all client documents that have undergone an action (been uploaded, opened, sent, locked, signed, etc.) in the last 30 days. This makes it easy to quickly get to any current ongoing project. Keep reading to find out more about the Recent list.

Covered here:

The Recent Documents List

Go to the Documents page from the sidebar menu; inside the Recent tab, you’ll see all the active projects from the last 30 days.

In the Recent list, you’ll also be able to view this info about each document:

  • Client: This displays the account the document is uploaded to.

  • File: This shows the file type to the left of the name.

  • Uploaded: This is the date the document was uploaded.

  • User: This shows who uploaded the document to the top-level folder with Client can view or Private access. For more details on access levels, go here.

  • Last action: This is the date when document last underwent an action. For the full list of actions, go here.

  • Status: Statuses help manage and organize documents. For more details, go here.

When Documents Appear in the Recent List

The Recent list contains all documents that (within the last 30 days) were...

  • ...uploaded by the client.
  • ...opened by the client.
  • ...sent to the client to be signed.
  • ...sent to the client to be approved.
  • ...locked to an invoice.
  • ...signed by a client.
  • ...approved or disapproved by a client.

To see the last action, hover the mouse above the info icon in the Last action column of the list.

Filtering the Recent List

On the Documents page, use filters inside the Recent tab to help you find specific docs recently worked on. For instance, find all recent documents for a certain account. To filter a list of documents, click Filter in the top right corner, select one or more filters, then click Apply.

You have the option to also save any filter combination as a template for future use. For more details about using filters, go here.

Ways to filter documents in the Recent list:

  • Account: See only the documents for a specific client.
  • Uploaded by: Select Client, Firm, Me, or All to see only documents uploaded by your clients, team members, you, or everyone.
  • Last action: See only documents that underwent an action in the last certain number of days.
  • File Types: Select PDF, Word, Excel, Images, or All.
  • Signatures (choose one):
      • All shows documents that need to be signed.
      • Signed shows documents that are fully signed.
      • Partially Signed shows documents that are signed by at least one account user.
      • Pending Signature shows documents missing at least one account user’s signature.
      • Prepared for Signature shows documents that need signing and haven’t been sent.
      • Opted Out shows documents that all account users have declined to sign.
      • Pending KBA shows documents with KBA that have at least one account user who needs to sign.
      • KBA Failed shows documents that have at least one account user who failed the KBA and/or additional users who declined to sign.
      • Signature Voided shows documents that were signed offline and have been voided by your firm.
  • Approvals (choose one):
      • All shows all documents with requested approvals.
      • Pending Payment shows documents locked to invoices that still need to be paid.
      • Pending Approval shows documents awaiting client approval.
      • Approved shows documents that have been client approved.
      • Rejected shows documents that have been client disapproved.

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