One-time invoices (Basic): Create, send & set up reminders

Send one-time invoices to clients either one at a time or in bulk -- and speed up the process by creating templates and using automations. For tracked time, TaxDome lets you create invoices right from your time entries!


Webinar: Explore how TaxDome's billing functionalities make it easy both for your clients to pay bills and for you to get paid with Get paid: engagement letters, proposals, invoices

Ways to send one-time invoices

One-time invoices can be created and sent by a firm owner or any team member assigned to the account with access rights to manage invoices.

You can create invoices alone or include them in your proposals or proposal templates.

There are different ways to create and send one-time invoices:

Create and send one-time invoices

To create and send a one-time invoice, follow these steps:

  1. Create an invoice using either of the ways:
    • Click New and select Invoice.
    • Open the client account, switch to the Invoices tab and click New invoice. The current account will be automatically filled in.
  2. Either enter the invoice amount or select a template.
  3. Then click Create to create and send the invoice (unless the Schedule invoice toggle is enabled — in which case you will have to schedule the invoice).

In addition to the amount, there are other details you may want to include. The Create Invoice window is split into several sections:

Invoice type

The Create invoice window is common for one-time and recurring invoices. Select whether you want to create a one-time or recurring invoice.


  1. Account name, ID or Email: Select an account to which the invoice will be sent. 
  2. Invoice template: Click and select one of the invoice templates you’ve created from the drop-down. Invoice templates are especially useful for invoices you frequently send to clients.
  3. Invoice number: You can choose an invoice number or leave the field empty, and TaxDome will generate one for you.
  4. Choose payment method: Choose how you want your clients to pay invoices (either by credit card, bank debit, or both). We support a number of payment methods.
  5. Date: Enter the date for the invoice. You can issue an invoice for the current date (which is set as the default) and any past date.
  6. Team member: Select the team member who will receive the payment (by default, the person creating the invoice receives it).
  7. Description: Add a description outlining what's included in the invoice or turn it off in your Settings > Invoice page. You can use account shortcodes based on custom fields and date shortcodes. Here's more on shortcodes.

QuickBooks settings

Select  Location and Class for the invoice to be sent to QuickBooks. Clients will not see this field. 

Note that the QuickBooks settings section is displayed only if you turn it on in QuickBooks. To do it, go to Account and Settings > Advanced > Categories and turn on tracking locations and/or classes.


In the Additional section, you need to add details only if you turn the toggles on:

1. Pay invoice using client credits: Toggle this on if you want the invoice to be automatically marked as paid. This option is available only when clients have sufficient credits to pay the invoice.

2. Email invoice to client: This message will replace the default text in the email system notification sent along with the invoice. The email won't be accessible to you after you send the request. To reuse it, consider adding it to the invoice template. You can also use account shortcodes based on custom fields and date shortcodes.

3. Reminders: Toggle this onto send an email notification to the client if they haven't paid the invoice within a specified number of days. Read more about reminders.

4. Schedule invoice: Schedule when the invoice will be sent out. Read more about scheduling invoices.

Line items & Summary

Both Line items and Summary show the invoice amount. If you don't want to include a detailed description of your services and the rate, you can go straight to the Summary section and fill in the amount.

Otherwise, you can create a client-facing itemized list of products and services you are providing in the Line items section. All data from this section will also be automatically added to the Summary section.

Line items help you itemize the service list and make your invoicing more transparent in case your work includes, for example, not just an 'all-in-one' tax return package but also consultations or other services that are billed separately. 

In the Line items section, you can:

  1. Add line item: Click Line item, then either select an existing service or create a new one. Fill in the Rate field, set the number of services and tax (here's more on tax rates in invoices), and type in the Description (optional). Select Class to be sent to QuickBooks (clients will not see this field).
  2. Apply discounts: To add a discount line item, click Discount, then fill in the Rate field. 
  3. Manage line items: Click the trash bin icon to delete a line item. Click three dots to edit, duplicate, delete or create a new service from it.
  4. Settings: Click Settings to determine which columns will be displayed in your invoice. 
    If the Description and Service date fields are empty and you didn't hide them, they will automatically be hidden from the invoice. There is a different logic for the Rates & Qty and Tax columns: you should hide them in Settings so they are not displayed in the invoice, even if the value is set to 0. 

Summary lets you see:

  • Subtotal: This is the sum of the amounts for the services provided before tax. You can edit it if you don't have any line items. After you add them, it is calculated automatically and can't be changed.
  • VAT rate: If you don't have line items, you can edit. If you have line items, to edit VAT rate, you need to enable the VAT column for the line items (here's more on sales tax).
  • VAT amount: Calculated automatically from Subtotal x VAT rate.
  • Total: Calculated automatically from Subtotal + VAT amount.

Note to client

You can add Note to client and personalize it using shortcodes. It can be either a note with the payment details or just a message. This note will be displayed in the client portal and in the PDF invoice.


Click Preview at the top right to see in advance the exact PDF your client will get. If you are happy with what you see, click Create & close from the preview mode.

If you want to customize the look of your invoices and white-label them, click Invoice settings from the preview mode and make the required adjustments. Find out more on how you can customize the invoice look.

Link to jobs

Link your invoice to an existing job to make it available in your workflow. Click  Link to jobs, then select the jobs. Once linked, the Linked jobs section is displayed below, and you can see the jobs and the pipelines they belong to.

Send one-time invoices to multiple clients

To send the same invoice to many clients, go to Account > Clients from the left menu bar, select the checkboxes next to the clients to whom you want to send the organizer, then click Create Invoice.

You can send invoices to clients whose accounts are either active or offline. For instance, you may want to send an invoice to offline clients if they make offline payments, but you want to store this information in your portal.

Here, you have the same options as above.

Client view

If notifications for the client are on, they are informed that they have received an invoice. Your clients can see and open invoices in different ways:

  • From the client portal or mobile app: Click the notification under the Waiting for action section or the link on the Billing page. 
  • From the email notification: Click Pay invoice in the email. There's no need to log into the client portal to pay.

Then, clients will interact with your invoice. 

When they pay the invoice, its status changes from Unpaid to Paid, and you receive a notification.

To see the sent [request] from the client's perspective, access the read-only view

Set up invoice reminders

Whenever you send invoices to clients, they are notified. All users linked to the account—with Notify toggled on—receive an email notification. Check if notifications are on by checking the Notify column in the accounts list.   

While creating a one-time invoice or adding a Create invoice automation, toggle on Reminders. When you do, the client is sent a reminder about the invoice if it has not been paid within a certain time frame; the default number of days is three, but you can change that:

  • Days until next reminder: This is the number of days before the client is sent a reminder. By default, a reminder is sent three days after an invoice is issued, but you can change that to whatever you prefer.

  • Number of reminders: This is the number of reminders sent to the client. By default, the client gets only one reminder email, but you can also change this to your preference.

Reminders stop when:

  • The client hasn’t paid the invoice, but the set number of reminders have been sent.
  • The client paid the invoice.
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