Time entries (Basic): Bill time
This article will guide you through all the ways to get paid for the tracked time: learn how to issue invoices for all finished time entries.
Before you start
Before diving into creating invoices from tracked time, it's essential to grasp the different approaches you can use for time tracking within TaxDome. Here are two primary methods:
Create invoice in advance
The first option you have is to initiate the process by creating an invoice in advance or asking your client to make a prepayment. Then you can follow this process:
1. As you or your team members work on jobs and tasks, diligently track the time spent on each of them using time tracker.
2. Periodically review the tracked time against the initial invoice to ensure it adequately covers all the time expended. You can always see your team's unbilled time for each client in their profile's Invoices or Payment tabs.
3. Depending on the situation, you can choose to:
- Create one more invoice if additional time is spent
- Issue a refund or leave it on the client's balance if the initial invoice/prepayment exceeds the actual time spent.
4. Once satisfied, mark the invoice as billed to maintain accurate financial records.
Track time first, then create invoice
- After completing the tracked tasks or projects, create an invoice directly from the accumulated billed time.
- Review the invoice details to ensure accuracy before finalizing and sending it to your client.
Create invoices from time entry list
Team members with the Manage invoices access rights can bill tracked time by creating an invoice directly from time entries:
1. Go to Billing > Time entries or the Invoices > Time entries tab inside a client account.

Tip! you can use filters to ease up finding the appropriate invoices. Click Filter on the top right of the time entries list and select the client, the Billable type and Unbilled status.
2. Select one or more time entries for a single client. In the time entry list, select time entries with the client associated.
3. Click Create invoice at the top left. You will see the Create invoice sidebar with time entries added as line items. You can edit any of the line items if needed.
4. Fill in the Create invoice sidebar and click Create.
Keep in mind:
- You can create an invoice for multiple time entries at once, but only for a single client account
- Creating an invoice is possible only for time entries that are Billable and have the Unbilled status
- Once you create an invoice, the time entry's status changes from Unbilled to Billed
- The service and description for the time entry are converted into the service and description for the line item. Note that you won't see the description if it is turned off in the line items settings
- If you create an invoice for a few time entries with the same service, rate and description, they will be merged into a single line item
- Editing a line item in the invoice doesn't impact the time entry (e.g. changing the rate in the line item of the invoice does not change the rate listed in the time entry)
- Similarly, editing a time entry after creating an invoice does not impact the invoice
- If you apply a template while creating an invoice, line items from the template will be added to those already included in the invoice. If there are no line items in the template, line items included in the invoice won't be erased

Tip! If you don't want your clients to see all the services you used for logging your work in the invoice and want them to see only the final amount, after selecting the time entries and creating the invoice, note the total amount somewhere. Then, delete line items in the invoice and manually add the total amount to the Subtotal field. Note that this will still mark the time entries as Billed.
Create invoices from WIP page (Clear out WIP)
The Work in Progress (WIP) page lets you view all unpaid billable time entries grouped by client account. From here, you can quickly create invoices based on them:
1. Go to Billing > WIP from the left menu bar and click Create invoice for a client.
2. Select which unpaid billable time entries for this client should be invoiced, then click Continue to invoice.
3. On the Create Invoice sidebar time entries will be added as line items. You can edit any of the line items if needed.
4. Fill in the Create invoice sidebar and click Create.
Keep in mind:
- Once you create an invoice, the time entry's status changes from Unbilled to Billed and these time entries will be removed from the WIP page
- The service and description for the time entry are converted into the service, service date and description for the line item. Note that you won't see the description if it is turned off in the line items settings
- If you create an invoice for a several time entries with the same service, rate and description, they will be merged into a single line item
- Editing a line item in the invoice doesn't impact the time entry (e.g. changing the rate in the line item of the invoice does not change the rate listed in the time entry)
- Similarly, editing a time entry after creating an invoice does not impact the invoice
- If you apply a template while creating an invoice, line items from the template will be added to those already included in the invoice. If there are no line items in the template, line items included in the invoice won't be erased
Mark time entries as billed
2. Select one or more time entries for your clients and click Mark already billed at the top left. Click Mark as billed in the confirmation pop-up.
The invoices will be marked as billed and removed from the WIP list. You'll no longer be able to invoice them.