WIP time entries list (Basic): View, customize, filter

Track your billable time using the WIP (Work in Progress) page. Here, you can see all unpaid billable time entries grouped by client account and create invoices from them.

Covered here:

Your WIP time entries list

On a WIP page, you can see all unpaid billable time entries grouped by client. Go to Billing > Work in progress (WIP) from the left menu bar to access it. This page is available for Firm owners and Admins only.

On the top left of the page, you can see the total number of unbilled time and the total unpaid. When the list is filtered, amounts are recalculated.

The  WIP page is fully customizable. You can view columns for:

  • ID: the unique client ID
  • Name: the client’s first and last name or the name of their business; click their name to go to their profile
  • Unbilled entries: the number of unpaid billable time entries
  • Unbilled time: the total unbilled time for the client
  • Billable: the total unbilled amount for the client
  • Create invoice: click the link on this column to create an invoice for unpaid billable time entries

Click the up-down arrow next to the column header you wish to sort. 

Customizing your WIP time entries list

You can customize your WIP time entries list in various ways. For example, you can resize, enable, disable and move columns to your liking.

You can customize the size of each column. To customize all other columns, click and hold the divider between column names and resize it by moving your mouse.

To set up the columns you want displayed in the account list section, click the gear icon on the top right of the table.

Here you can select the columns you want to be displayed. You can enable, disable or move any columns you want, except for the  Name and Create invoice column. After clicking Apply, the table will be rebuilt with new columns.

Clicking  Reset will display all columns.

Filtering your WIP time entries list

Filters help you find specific accounts with unbilled time entries based on certain criteria. For example, you can find all accounts managed by a particular team member or accounts to which specific tags are applied. Here's more about filters

To filter your WIP list, click the  + Filter drop-down at the top left of your WIP page and select the filter and the parameter:

  • Selecting is/in will display accounts with unbilled time entries that contain the value selected in the filter
  • Selecting is not/not in will display accounts with unbilled time entries that don't contain the value selected in the filter

Here are the different filters you can apply:

  • Date shows accounts with unbilled time entries that have the Date custom field with a value that corresponds to Today, Last week, Last month, Last quarter, Last year or any custom date which you can select using the Calendar option
  • Account name shows unbilled time entries for selected client accounts
  • Assignee shows accounts assigned to selected team members
  • Services shows accounts with unbilled time entries which tracked for a certain service
  • Tags show the tags applied to the unbilled time entry. For example, use tags to quickly find all time unbilled entries for clients with missing doc or other activities.
  • Pipeline and stage shows accounts with unbilled time entries linked to jobs in/not in one or more specific pipelines. Select one or more stages to further narrow the results.
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