Inbox+ Notifications

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Inbox+ isn’t just for browsing through email. It’s where you start and finish your projects, receive important notifications, create tasks, view documents and messages, save attachments, download and more, with everything on a single easy-to-navigate page. 

Covered here:

Inbox+ notifications

You receive a notification in your Inbox+ whenever something takes place on TaxDome. You’ll also be able to tell when someone else has read it.

By default, you’ll get a notification when...

  • A client registers on their own via the SIGN UP link.
  • A new client that has been assigned to you activates their portal access.
  • A client sends a new email.
  • A team member assigned to an account replies to an existing email thread.
  • A client uploads a document to their portal, the app, a file request link or an organizer.
  • A client indicates that they’re done uploading documents.
  • A client opens a document.
  • A client approves a document.
  • A client rejects a document.
  • A client signs a document.
  • A client declines to sign a document.
  • The firm owner or a team member voids a signature for an account you follow.
  • A client creates an organizer.
  • A client or another team member submits an organizer.
  • A client signs a proposal.
  • A client or a team member sends a new message.
  • A client or a team member replies to a chat thread.
  • A team member creates or updates the task list inside a chat thread.
  • A client or a team member makes changes to a task list inside a chat thread.
  • A client or a team member uploads/attaches a document to a chat thread.
  • A client makes a prepayment.
  • A client pays an invoice.
  • An invoice is overdue.
  • A task is assigned to you by someone.
  • A task is due in three days.
  • A job was created via automation.
  • You were mentioned with the @ symbol by another team member in a message, task, note, job description or job comment.
  • A team member requests access to the client's account
  • A job failed to be created automatically.  
  • An automation failed while a job automoved to a new stage.
  • Bulk-sending proposals failed.
  • Bulk-sending messages failed.
  • Sending email failed.
  • Brand registration successful.
  • Brand registration failed.
  • Campaign verification successful.
  • Campaign verification failed.
  • Money charge failed.
  • Reminder on 7 days left until the new SMS subscription payment.
  • Money for SMS subscription was not charged and the SMS communication is disconnected.
  • IRS transcripts request is completed.
  • A template is downloaded from the Marketplace.

In the left sidebar, you see the green circle near the Inbox+ icon showing that you have new notifications.

The circle disappears when all your notifications have been checked off as Archived (see below).

Taking care of notifications

Notifications are displayed in chronological order so that the most recent is on the top.

How to manage notifications:

  • Open a notification to get more info: Click on the notification bar to expand it; click again to minimize it.

  • Go to an account: Click on the account name.

  • Go to the corresponding section: Click Go to... (the gray box with an arrow) in the bottom left of the expanded notification bar. This will take you to the email, invoice page, task, chat thread or document preview in a new tab. If an email address is linked to several accounts, you’ll be able to choose where you want to go.

  • View and/or download a document: Click on the file’s name to open it.

  • View an invoice or payment: Click on the invoice or payment link to see more.

  • View a completed organizer/signed proposal: Click on the organizer’s or proposal’s name to open it.

  • Archive a notification: Click Archive to move it to the Archived tab.

  • Restore a notification: If you clicked Archive by mistake, you can always restore a notification. Go to the Archived tab, select the notification you want to restore, then click Restore (the green box with an arrow) on the bottom left of the expanded notification bar. It will then return to the Inbox+ tab.

  • Perform bulk actions with notifications: To mark notifications as done or to restore all of them or several at once, select the checkbox at the top of the list or the checkboxes next to the documents, then click Archive or Restore.

By default, the notification list displays 25 notifications per page. To change the amount, select the number you prefer in the Rows per page menu on the bottom left of the page.

Email notifications

Team members who have access to a client’s account receive a notification in their Inbox+ whenever a client sends a new email to your firm or replies to an existing thread. When they reply to a thread, the notification is updated. When there’s a new email in a thread, the notification is updated and moves to the top. If it’s archived, it moves out of the To Do items.

You can also:

  • Mute email threads: This turns off email notifications in a thread. For more on muting, go here.
  • Create tasks from email: Learn more here.
  • Save an attachment to Client’s Docs: Hover your mouse over the file thumbnail, click the save icon, then upload. You can also autosave attachments clients email you.


Coming soon: Reply immediately to emails from Inbox+!

Chat notifications

Team members get notifications in their Inbox+ about all events happening in the chats of the accounts they have access to. A notification includes...

  • ...the event type (someone created a new thread, replied to it or updated the task list).
  • ...the chat name and link to the thread.
  • ...the name of the person who created the thread or updated it.

Expand the notification box to see the last message in the thread and its author.

How message notifications work:

  • A chat thread has one corresponding notification (it updates as new events occur).
  • You receive a notification whenever a client sends a new message to your firm or replies to an existing thread.
  • You receive a notification whenever a team member creates a new chat thread or replies to an existing thread in an account you have access to.
  • When anyone replies to a thread or makes changes to client tasks, the corresponding notification is updated and moved to the top.
  • Once a notification is archived, it moves out of the To Do list.

SMS notifications

Team members get notifications in their Inbox+ about all events happening in the SMS of the accounts they have access to. A notification includes...

  • ...the event type (someone sent a new SMS or replied to your SMS).
  • ...the account name, contact name and link to the SMS thread.

Expand the notification box to see the last SMS in the thread and author.

How SMS notifications work:

  • An SMS thread has one corresponding notification (it updates as new events occur). When anyone replies to an SMS thread, the corresponding notification is updated and moved to the top.
  • You receive a notification whenever a client sends a new SMS to your firm or replies to an existing SMS thread.
  • You receive a notification whenever a team member creates a new SMS thread or replies to an existing SMS thread in an account you have access to.
  • You receive a notification when bulk SMS sending is finished. You will see how many SMS were sent and failed. You also will be able to download the CSV file with the full audit trail for this bulk sending.
  • You receive a notification containing the text of SMS and sender's phone number whenever non-contact sends a new SMS to your firm (you will be prompted to create a new contact).
  • You receive a notification if sending SMS is failed.
  • Once a notification is archived, it moves out of the To Do list.

System notifications

System messages pop up when a bulk action cannot be performed. To view all system notifications in your Inbox+, apply the System filter (for detailed instructions, see Filtering Notifications below). Learn how to troubleshoot all system notifications here:

Filtering notifications

Filters help narrow your notifications list. For example, find all notifications about invoices paid by all clients. For more on using filters, go here.

To filter a notifications list:

1. Click on Filter.

2. Use filtering by account name and/or notification type (invoices, emails, tasks, documents, organizers, chats, SMS, signatures, proposals, new accounts, jobs, mentions and system notifications). Apply one or several. The selected filters remain the same when you leave and reopen the page.

3. Click Apply.

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