Email (Basic): Save Attachments to Client Docs

You can save attachments from your clients' emails to TaxDome either manually or automatically.

How to save an attachment manually

When a client emails an attachment, you can save it to TaxDome as if the client had uploaded it themselves. Open the email & click Save to TaxDome next to the file - and that's it!

How to save attachments automatically

You can auto-save attachments emailed to you by clients. To turn this feature on, click your profile at the top right, then go to Account settings. There, turn the Automatically save attachments toggle on. With this feature, attachments from clients' emails (MS Office docs, PDF files, and images) will auto-save inside the default client folder with Client can view and edit access level.



  • If there is a file with the same name and size in the default client folder, then the new one will not be saved.
  • If there is a file with the same name but of a different size in the default client folder, then the new file will be saved with the appropriate suffix (i.e. FileName (2).pdf).
  • Files whose size exceeds 25 MB will not be saved.
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