CRM (Basic): Client account profiles

TaxDome allows you to maintain your clients’ personal information effortlessly. At a quick glance, you can see everything you need to know about a client account on a single, well-organized page. Plus, you can easily edit your client’s personal info.

Access account information

Access to a client’s profile is available to firm owner, Admin, and any employee assigned to work on that client’s account or who has been given access rights to view all accounts.

To access a client’s profile, click on the search icon at the top of the left sidebar, then type the name of the client or part of their email in the search field.

You can also access an account by navigating to Clients from the left sidebar and then clicking on the client’s name in the list.

You’ll always know whose client profile you are in because you’ll see the account name on the left side of the menu bar.

Inside the Overview tab, you’ll find everything you need to know about the client account on a single page with information organized by category.

Here, you’ll be able to see all of this (with the option to View all to see even more in each section):

  • Documents: Five latest documents uploaded by your client or shared with them. All unseen documents automatically get a New label, so that you can always see which ones you or a firm member haven’t viewed yet.
  • Tasks: Five latest tasks that are planned and/or in progress for the client.
  • Email: The client’s five latest emails and their status.
  • Jobs: The current jobs for the account, pipelines the client’s jobs are in, and what stages they are in.
  • Chats: The latest messages sent to the client and who responded and when.
  • Unpaid invoices: The client’s unpaid and partially paid invoices and whether they can be paid with existing credit.
  • Approvals: The latest documents requiring the client’s approval and signature.
  • Signatures: The documents sent to the client to be signed and the ones that still require signing.
  • Organizers: Five latest organizers sent to the client and their status.
  • Login activity: When the client last logged in.
  • Notes: Five latest notes saved for the client.
  • Time tracking: Five latest time entries entered for the client.
  • Proposals & ELs: Five last proposals or engagement letters sent to the client.

Account & contacts details 

Every client account on TaxDome should be linked to one or more contacts. Some information for a client account refers to the account itself, while other information refers to its contacts. 

On the Info tab of the client's profile, you can access and edit both the info on the account and its linked contacts.

Account details section

Account details section is where you can review and edit account data: account name, type, photo, tags applied, team members responsible for working on this account, etc. 

Below, see detailed descriptions for each field:

a. Primary account information:

  • Account name: Accounts are the entities you work for and bill. They could be set up manually or generated automatically. 
  • Account profile photo: The photo uploaded to the profile by the client or the firm.
  • Account typeThere are three account types on TaxDome – IndividualCompany and Other. If your client is a firm, select Company. If it's a person or a family, you can select Individual

b. Tags: Used to categorize accounts.

c. Team members: Your employees who have access to the client account. You can also find out which team members had access in the past by clicking the History of changes link. 

d. Account custom fields: If you have created and filled out custom fields for the account, they’re displayed here.

e. Company address: The company legal address. 

f. Account roles: Assign specific account roles (e.g., bookkeeper, reviewer) to your team members to define their responsibilities within a client's account. This not only gives them access to the account but also helps you clearly identify their role and contribution to the client’s workflow.

g. Team members: Click on the names of the team members you want to give them access to the client account. 

h. Create role: Click to create a new role directly in the sidebar without leaving the page. Once the role is created, you can assign it to team members.

i. QuickBooks connection: QuickBooks sync status of the account. By default, only accounts with invoices or payments are synced. 

j. Client mobile appShows whether any contact associated with the account has downloaded the mobile app and logged in. 

k. Related accounts: Here, you can find all accounts with shared contacts. 

Contacts section

In the Contacts section, you can review and edit data on contacts (emails) linked to the current account: manage portal access, notifications, email sync, and signature settings. You can also unlink and link contacts. To edit the contact's email or any other data, click the contact's name in the list.

a. Primary contact information:

  • Linked contact: The names of all contacts are displayed in alphabetical order. In the example, Charles Burnes and Lisa Burns are contacts linked to the account. You can Unlink the contact from the account by clicking the three-dots menu at the right of the contact name line. 
  • Description of the linked contact: The short info you want to add about the contact. You can Edit the description by clicking the three-dot menu at the right of the contact name line or just leave the description empty. It is valid for the current account only, so if a contact is linked to several accounts, the descriptions could be different for each account (e.g., primary contact for the family account and CEO for the business account).

b. Email: This email address is specified as the main one during the contact creation. It's displayed first.

c. (Optional) Additional email: Other email addresses for the contact can be added as a contact custom field. All emails from the custom fields are displayed here. 

d. Contact toggles (Login, Notify, Email sync): Contact toggles manage the contact’s portal access, notifications, and email sync settings:

  • Login: You can give portal access to each email address added to a contact. If the user has already been invited to use the client portal but hasn't accepted the invitation, you can send it once again using the instructions below.
  • Notify: For each email address added to a contact, you can decide if they will receive notifications on system events (e.g., a new message or organizer sent). You can tweak the notification types for each email using the instructions below.
  • Email sync: For each email address added to a contact, you can decide if you want to receive emails and reply to them from TaxDome.

e. Signer priority: This option is used with signature templates. It determines the default order of signers. 

f. Add contact: This option can be used to add the existing contacts to the account or create a new one. 

Some of the information for a client account refers to the account itself, while other information refers to its contacts:

  • The name of the client account (i.e., the name of the business, organization, or individual) and photos are stored within their account.
  • A client’s personal details—such as email address, phone number, street address—are stored within their contact. To change this info, you have to edit the contact.
  • There are custom CRM fields in your accounts that are different from the custom CRM fields in your contacts. For instance, if you work with different organizations, you may want to store addresses and other details about them inside their account.

Contact email actions

Some important actions for contacts are available for the main or additional email address. You can access them from the email lines by clicking the three-dots menu:


a. Send invitationIf the user has already been invited to use the client portal but hasn't accepted the invitation, you can send it once again by clicking this link. 

b. Notification preferences: For each user for whom the Notify toggle is on, you can decide which notifications they will receive by clicking this link.

c. Disable signatory authority: This option is used when sending proposals and recurring invoices to your clients. By default, all contacts with login access have it. Depending on the settings, the proposal is considered signed when at least one or all contacts with Signatory authority sign it. Enabled signatory authority also allows for signing recurring invoices. However, you can disable signatory authority for any email address.

Edit account details 

A firm owner, admin, or any employee who has been given access rights to manage accounts can edit an account’s details. 

To do so, navigate to the Info tab of the client’s profile, then click Edit to the right of Account details

From here you can:

  • Change the account type.
  • Change the account name.
  • Assign/delete tags to the account.
  • Add/remove team members who have access to the account.
  • Edit company address.
  • Fill out the account custom fields.
  • Edit contacts associated with an account: link and unlink contacts, add new ones, edit contact details, change portal access, notifications, and sync options for contact emails.

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