Account tags (Basic): Apply & ways to use

Account tags are especially powerful as they can be used in automation workflows. Unlike other tag types, they can trigger pipeline automations and be used in conditional logic. This article focuses on applying and using tags in accounts. Learn more about using tags with other features.

Apply account tags manually

Tags begin to work only when you applythem to clients accounts. This could be done in different ways: either manually or automatically, in bulk or one by one.

There are three ways to apply account tags manually:

In bulk

When you need to apply tags to multiple client accounts, bulk-tagging is the fastest method:

1. Go to Clients > Accounts from the sidebar menu, then select the checkboxes next to the client accounts you want to tag. To select all clients, click the uppermost checkbox.

2. Click  Manage tags.

3. You’ll see a list with all your tags. For each tag, select one of these options:

  • Do nothing: The tag won’t be assigned or removed. Existing tags remain unchanged.
  • Assign to all: The tag will be assigned to all selected accounts.
  • Remove from all: If the selected accounts have the tag, it will be removed.

Use search to quickly find tag you need from the list.

4. Click  Save.

From client profile

You can also apply tags to an account while creating the account or afterward. To assign one or more tags to an account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Clients > Accounts from the left menu bar, open the client account profile, select Info in the menu bar.
  2. Click Edit. You’ll see all tags applied to the account under Tags.
  3. Click on Tags to open the drop-down with available tags. Select as many as needed.
  4. Click Continue, then click Save.

Apply account tags automatically

Save time by automating account tag assignments through these methods:

During import

Importing client accounts gives you two options for tags:

Include tags in your spreadsheet

This method is a huge time-saver as you don't need to spend time beforehand creating tags in TaxDome. Also, you can apply different tags to different accounts. 

1. While preparing a CSV file for importing, add columns with the necessary tags for accounts. If you want several tags to be applied to one account, separate names by comma. 

Tags that you don't yet have will be created automatically during import.

2. Start the import process. On the second step of importing (map accounts), select Map to property in the Action dropdown and Tags in the Account field for your account tags. 

That's it! When the import is completed, you will have your tags created and applied to accounts.

Apply existing tags during import

If you don't want to add tags to your spreadsheet, you still can apply tags while you import. To do so:

Start the import process. On the third step of importing (Settings), select the tags you want to apply to the accounts you are moving to TaxDome.


Note! The tags you select will be applied to all imported accounts, so if you want to use different tags for different accounts, you’ll have to prepare separate spreadsheets for each set of tags.

Depending on organizer answers

Account tags can be assigned or removed automatically, based on the organizer answers. Here's how it works:  you send your clients an organizer, and once they answer the questions and submit it, the appropriate tags are automatically applied to them or removed. Learn more how to set up and use it.

Via pipeline automation

Tags may be applied or removed automatically via pipeline automation, when the job for a client reaches the specific stage. For example, your leads will automatically get the  New client tag instead of the Leads tag after they make a prepayment. Learn more how to set up and use it.

Use account tags

Once you have your clients appropriately tagged, you've got a lot of options to manage your CRM. Tags allow you and your team to categorize clients based on their location or the services you provide, quickly identify whether you need to file an extension, etc. 


Note! The tags remain in use until removed.

Here are some examples on how you can use account tags:

Filter with tags

Go to  Clients > Accounts from the left menu bar. There are two ways to filter client accounts by tags:

  • Click on any tag in the client account list: You will see only accounts with that tag.
  • Click on the Filter button, select None of or Exclude all selected, and choose the tags:
    • Any of/All of shows a list of accounts with the tags you selected (e.g., all tax clients).
    • None of/Exclude all selected shows a list of accounts without the tags you selected (e.g., all clients that are not your bookkeeping clients).

Here's an overview on using filters.

Conditional logic in pipelines

Tags can help you to set up the if-then rules inside pipelines based on conditional logic. Such rules may trigger automations for selected groups of clients or move groups of clients to specific stages of the pipeline. 

Learn more in the detailed article.

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