Workflow (Advanced): Tags in pipelines
Here, you will learn how to view and use account tags in your pipelines.
View tags in pipelines
When you rely on tags to build your processes, it can be helpful to see which tags are applied to client accounts right in the pipeline. This could be turned on or off for each pipeline. To view tags, open pipeline settings and toggle the Account tags on.
You will then see all the tags applied to clients directly on the job cards in the Kanban view.
Use tags in pipelines
With tags, you can easily set up conditional stages and automations for the pipeline. Check and change tags accordingly without leaving the pipeline to make jobs enter the right stage or trigger a specific automation. Here's more on tag-based conditions in the pipelines.
Also, viewing tags in pipelines makes it easier to use the Update account tags automation, which applies and removes tags automatically. Here's more info on the Update account tags automation.