Invoicing: Overview

TaxDome can help you keep all your invoicing inside the portal. You can issue invoices, accept payments online, keep track of payment records, bill time and more. In this guide, you will find all initial info on how to set up and use invoicing in TaxDome.


Tip: Download this simple checklist to track your progress in learning and implementing TaxDome invoicing features!

Do the initial setup

Before you start billing your clients, you need to do the basic setup:

Start billing your clients

Once set up, you can start using TaxDome to bill your clients. Explore the main billing features:

Send proposals with invoices

It's a good idea to start your joint journey with your client with a proposal which outlines all terms and either includes price list for all services or even invoices ready to be paid along with signing the proposal.

Automate the invoicing process

The best thing about working with invoices in TaxDome is that you can automate it and be confident there are no mistakes in your billing. Here is what you can do:

  • Lock documents to invoices: Your clients will be unable to open or download a document unless they pay an invoice linked to it.
  • Bill for recurring services: If you offer subscription-based services like monthly bookkeeping you can use recurring invoices. These are a series of one-time invoices issued automatically on a given schedule. 
  • Automate invoices in pipelines: In pipelines, you can set up an automation that creates invoices when jobs reach certain stages. Once the invoice is paid, the job may be automatically moved to the next stage triggering the further automations.
  • Automate proposals: In pipelines, you can set up an automation that will send proposals to your clients without your involvement.

Learn best practices for efficient invoicing

In addition to your main billing-related workflows, you may have some other scenarios that are important to handle:

Track and bill time

Time tracking features in TaxDome help you bill your clients accordingly to time spent on them. With integrated time tracking, you may be sure that every hour worked is billed properly.

  • Track time: Every team member can start the time tracker when working on a job or task. After they finish the work, a time entry will be created. it's also possible to add time entries manually and track time for any activities.
  • Bill time: Create an invoice from one or more finished time entries and send it to your client.
  • Clear out the WIP: Conveniently send an invoice to your client for all the time entries over a time period.

Analyze time spent and plan capacity

Time tracking goes further than billing your clients, since it helps you create a transparent work environment. Having all accumulated data, you can pay your employees based on the time worked, analyze their performance, manage team capacity and more.


Academy: Do you want more hands-on training on all the topics above? Then, you can explore our set of courses dedicated to invoicing in TaxDome.

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