Inbox+ notifications

Inbox+ isn’t just for browsing through email. It’s where you start and finish your projects, receive important notifications, create tasks, view documents and messages, save attachments, download and more, with everything on a single easy-to-navigate page.

Inbox+ notifications, explained

You receive a notification in your Inbox+ whenever something happens on TaxDome. You can also be notified on the go via the TaxDome mobile app.

There are a lot of notification types, but speaking generally, Inbox+ is the place where you can:

  • Track the events done by clients (e.g., document upload, submitting the organizer)
  • Communicate with the team internally by receiving tasks and using mentions throughout the system
  • Track the results of bulk actions and job automation, then fix possible problems (e.g., sending organizers in bulk), etc.

In the sidebar menu, the green circle near the Inbox+ icon shows how many new (not archived) notifications you have. The circle disappears when all your notifications have been checked off as Archived.

General notification rules are:

Take care of notifications

Notifications are displayed chronologically. Click Newest first/Oldest first on the right to sort them. To see more details about notifications, just click and expand them. 

All entities mentioned in notifications are clickable so that you can navigate to:

  • Client accounts
  • Invoices and payments
  • Organizers and proposals
  • Pipelines, jobs and tasks
  • Documents
  • Emails, chats, client requests and SMS

Archive notifications

If you have read a notification, it won't disappear from the To-do list automatically because you may need a notification as a reminder to take action later. So, until you archive it, it will be displayed on the To-do tab, and the counter in the sidebar will include it in the number of notifications that require your attention.

When you no longer need a notification, you can archive it. This could be done for your account only or for all team members who received it. Archived notifications are kept for a period of six months before being permanently deleted.

To archive notifications in bulk, select checkboxes next to the notifications, then either click  Archive for me or Archive for everyone. Any team member who received a notification in their Inbox+ can do this.


Attention! Currently, the Archive for everyone option is limited and does not apply to notifications that appeared before December 2024.

To archive a single notification, click a green checkmark next to it or expand it, then select one of the archiving options.

If you archived a notification by mistake, you can always restore it from the  Archived tab. Here, you've got the same options as for archiving: Restore for me and Restore for everyone. You can do it either one by one or in bulk. The notification will then return to the To-do tab.

Filter notifications 

Filters help narrow your notifications list. For example, find all notifications about invoices paid by all clients.

To filter a notifications list:

1. Click  Filter.

2. Use filtering by account name, time interval and/or notification type: invoices, documents, emails, tasks, organizers, chats, signatures, proposals, new accounts, jobs, mentions, client requests, SMS, account settings (notifications about bulk actions with Login, Notify and Email sync for accounts) and system notifications. Select one or several filters. 

3. Click  Apply. The selected filters remain the same when you leave and reopen Inbox+.

You can reset the filter settings or, opposite, save them as a template. 

Email notifications

Team members with access to a client's account receive a notification in their Inbox+ when a client sends a new email to your firm or replies to an existing thread. Note that the email should be synced, or email notifications will be unavailable. 

The notification includes:

  • Client account link
  • Team member and contact emails
  • Email text
  • Attachments, if any

You can also:

  • Create tasks from email: Learn more here.
  • Save an attachment to client docs: Hover your mouse over the file thumbnail, click the save icon, then upload. You can also autosave attachments clients email you.

Coming soon: Reply immediately to emails from Inbox+!

Chat notifications

Team members get notifications in their Inbox+ for chat thread replies related to the accounts they have access to or for completed client tasks. A notification includes:

  • The event type (someone replied in a chat thread or completed the task list)
  • The chat name and link to the thread.
  • The name of the person who updated the thread.

Expand the notification box to see the last message in the thread and its author.

SMS notifications

Team members receive notifications:

  • When a client sends your firm a new SMS.
  • Whenever a team member sends a new SMS to a client account that you can access.
  • When bulk SMS sending is finished. You will see how many SMS were sent and failed. You can also download the CSV file with the full audit trail for this bulk sending.
  • Whenever non-contact sends a new SMS to your firm. It contains the text of the SMS and the sender's phone number, and you will be prompted to create a new contact.
  • If sending an SMS fails.

If you follow one account and the linked contact is connected to another account that you do not follow, you will receive SMS notifications for both accounts.

An SMS thread always has one corresponding notification (it updates as new events occur). When anyone replies to an SMS thread, the corresponding notification is updated and moved to the top.

A notification includes:

  • The event type (someone sent a new SMS or replied to your SMS)
  • The account name, contact name and link to the SMS thread
  • The sender's phone number (for non-contacts).

Expand the notification box to see the last SMS in the thread and its sender. From here, you can go to the SMS thread to send a reply.

Client request notifications

Team members get notifications about client requests completed by clients they follow. 

Notification includes:

  • The account to which the request was sent.
  • The event type (submitted).
  • The request link.

From here, you can go directly to the client account or to the request page.

Invoice notifications

Team members get notifications in their Inbox+ when:

  • Invoice is overdue
  • Invoice is fully or partially paid
  • The client made a pre-payment

They receive it for all the accounts they have access to. The notification includes the event type and the client name.

Expand the notification box to see the invoice number and status. From here, you can go to the invoice and the account. Invoices are grouped by account, date and general status (paid or unpaid). So, if two invoices for one client are overdue on the same day, they are displayed in one notification box.

Documents notifications

Team members get notifications in their Inbox+ about all events happening with the documents of the accounts they have access to. Notification includes the event description, the document itself and the client name.

You get notified when:

  • A client opens a document for the first time
  • A client uploads documents
  • A client signs the docs or opts their signature out
  • A client approves/disapproves the documents
  • A client clicks ‘Done uploading’ in the client portal
  • IRS transcripts are downloaded

Expand the notification box to access the attachment(s). From here, you can go directly to the account and documents.

Tasks notifications

Team members get notifications in their Inbox+ about:

  • New tasks assigned to them
  • Tasks due in 3 days
  • Updates made by other team members – only task assignees get these notifications

Expand the notification box to see more details. From here, you can go directly to the task and the account.

Notification includes:

  • The event description
  • The task link
  • The start and due days, if they are set
  • The account the task is for
  • All assignees
  • The task status

Organizers notifications

Team members get notifications in their Inbox+ about organizers created by your clients and other team members and organizers completed by your clients.

If you are a firm owner, you will also get notifications about organizers submitted by your team members. 

Notification includes:

  • The event type
  • The event actor (particular client or team member)
  • The organizer link

From here, you can go directly to the client account or to the organizer.

Signatures notifications

Team members get notifications in their Inbox+ about all signature-related events happening with the accounts they have access to.

Notification includes:

  • The event type
  • The related document
  • The signers’ checklist – e.g. when one of three signers signs the document, their name is struck through

You get notified when:

  • Client signs the docs or opts their signature out
  • The firm owner or a team member voids a signature for an account you follow.

Expand the notification box to see who has already signed. From the notification, you can go directly to the account, contact and document.

Proposals notifications

Team members receive notifications in their Inbox+ about signed proposals for the accounts they have access to. They are also notified when all unsigned contacts are removed, and the proposal is signed automatically.

Notification includes:

  • The proposal
  • The signers’ checklist – e.g. when one of three signers signs the document, their name is struck through

Expand the notification box to see who has already signed and the proposal attached. From the notification, you can go directly to the account, contact, and proposal.

New accounts notifications

Firm owners receive notifications in their Inbox+ about all newly registered accounts and their form responses if they respond to the form.

The notification includes the account name and link and the form response. From here, you can go to the account. Expand the notification box to see the form response. 

Jobs notifications

Team members receive notifications in their Inbox+ when scheduled jobs are added to a pipeline or when adding a job to a pipeline fails for any reason.

The notification includes:

  • The event type
  • The pipeline 
  • The account
  • The failure reason

Expand the notification box to see the job list and accounts. From here, you can go to the pipeline, job and account.

If adding a job fails, expand the notification box, click Edit pipeline and try to handle the issue.

Mentions notifications

Team members receive notifications in their Inbox+ when other team members tag them. It is useful when you want to collaborate or discuss something with them but don’t want to assign tasks to them.

Expand the notification box to see the message with the mention and its sender. From here, you can go to the message you were mentioned in and get more details.

Learn more about how mentions work.

Marketplace notifications

Firm owners receive notifications in their  Inbox+ when any team member downloads a template from the Marketplace.

From here, you can go to the firm template library.

System notifications

System notifications pop up when an error occurs, including failed job, failed email/chat message sending, failed entity creation/assignment and failed payment notifications. 

In addition to errors, employees with permission to assign teammates receive system notifications when a team member requests access to an account. Also, system notifications include Account settings notifications

To view all system notifications in your Inbox+, apply the System filter (for detailed instructions, see filtering notifications). Learn how to troubleshoot system notifications here. For troubleshooting job failures, see the corresponding article.

Sometimes, the notification itself offers ways to resolve the issue. For example, a failed email notification might suggest going to the email sync settings or resending the email.

Account setting notifications

Account setup notifications include brief reports on bulk operations with Login, Notify and Email sync contact toggles. Once an operation is completed, you will receive a notification containing the following information:

  • List of completed operations (e.g., Notify: Enable for all contacts)
  • Summary information:
    • total number of accounts
    • number of successful operations
    • number of failed operations

The icon in the operation bar on the left will vary depending on whether the operation was successful (blue key) or failed (red exclamation mark).

If the operations were executed with errors, you can download a CSV file listing the accounts for which the operation was not executed, along with the reasons.

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