Email (Advanced): Mute threads

If you’d like to stop getting notifications about certain email threads, you can mute them. This feature is also helpful when a client’s email is linked to various accounts, and you don’t want to get notifications from all of them.

Covered here:

How to mute email threads

By default, all team members assigned to an account receive a notification in their Inbox+ when a new message is added to an email thread in the client profile’s Email tab.

To stop receiving notifications about new emails in a specific thread:

  • Navigate to your Inbox+, then click the Mute button for the thread’s notification.

  • Or navigate to the client profile’s Email tab, click on the three-dots icon to the far right of the thread, then select Mute.

  • Once a thread is muted:

    • It’s hidden from the email list. You can still view it if you need to by selecting the Muted option in the drop-down menu on the left.
    • Notifications about new emails are no longer displayed in Inbox+ or in the Email tab of the account—this goes for your entire team, no matter who has muted the thread.

    How to unmute email threads

    When you unmute an email thread, it goes back to the emails list, and notifications about new emails are once again displayed in the Email tab. All team members assigned to the client will receive notifications in their Inbox+ every time a new email is added to the thread.

    To unmute a thread:

    • Go to Inbox +, then click the Unmute button for the thread’s notifications.

    • Or go to the Email tab of the client’s profile, select the Muted option in the drop-down menu, then click the three-dots icon to the far right of the thread and select Unmute.

    One email, several accounts: how to mute

    When a client with an email address linked to several accounts sends an email, you’ll see the message inside the Email tab of each account as well as a notification in Inbox+. The notification will include all account names.

    You can mute threads for any of the accounts:

    • Inside the Email tabs of the accounts currently not relevant to you, click the three-dots icon to the far right of the thread, then select Mute.
    • Or inside Inbox+, click Mute Settings, then turn off the MUTE toggle for any of the accounts currently not relevant to you.

    Who can do this?

    A firm owner and Admin can mute notifications about email threads. If you’d like an employee to do it as well, you’ll need to give them the access rights:

    1. Go to Settings > Team & Plans from the left menu bar, open the Team members tab, then click on the team member’s name in the list.

    2. Click the pencil icon in the Edit Access Rights section and toggle on Mute emails toggle.

    3. Click Save. Now the team member will be able to mute emails for all accounts that are assigned to them.

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