Tasks (Basic): Working on a task

Learn essentials on working with tasks, where to find all tasks assigned to you and how to view them. Track time spent on tasks directly from your existing tasks, edit them, delete—and more.

How do I know if a task has been assigned to me?

When a task is almost due or a new task has been assigned to you, you will receive a notification in your Inbox+ and email. Click on the task name or on Go to... to get to it.


Note: you can change your notification preferences at any time.

When you have pending assigned tasks, a green circle with the number of tasks assigned to you appears next to the Tasks under the Workflow section in the left menu bar. To see your tasks, go to Workflow > Tasks from the left menu bar.

Access tasks

Once a task is assigned to you, it’s on your Insights page. This way, you’re always aware of what you should do first and how the work progresses. Here's more on the tasks widget on the Insights page. 

You can also view all tasks in the Calendar view by clicking on the Tasks tab. Here's more on calendar views

Another way of viewing tasks is  Workflow > Tasks page. Here, you can see not only your tasks but also unassigned ones and those assigned to the other team members (only the tasks for the client accounts you have access to are visible to you). 

Tasks that have been already completed are displayed on a separate tab. Here's more on the tasks list.

To see all the tasks for a single client, go to Clients > Accounts from the left menu bar, click on the client’s name, then go to the Workflow tab. Pending and completed tasks are displayed separately. 

Update task status

Once a task is done or canceled, click on its status and change it to Completed or Canceled, accordingly. Once the status of the task has been changed, it disappears from the Insights page and moves to the Completed tab of the tasks list.


Note: Completed and canceled tasks can still be edited. Move the task back to the Pending tab by changing its status to Planned, In review, In Progress, On hold, Extended, Waiting for client, Waiting for signatures or Waiting for agency.

Update recurring task status

When marking a recurring task as Completed before the end date, a new task is automatically created with the settings of the previous one duplicating. The number of scheduled repetitions is displayed in the New task section.

Let's look at an example. We have created a task to be repeated once a week from 27 May to 12 June:
1. The deadline for the first task is 27 May. When you assign the Completed status in the first iteration, a new task will automatically be created.
2. The deadline for the second task is 3 June. When you assign the Completed status in the second iteration, a new task will be automatically created.
3. The deadline for the third task is 10 June. When you assign the Completed status, the task will be considered complete (since this is the last weekly recurrence) and will not appear in the Pending tasks list. 

Track time in tasks

Track time spent on tasks directly from the existing task. Here's how:

1. Open a task and ensure a client is selected correctly, then click the Track time link at the top right and start working on a task. You cannot track time for tasks where the client account is not selected.

A time entry is automatically linked to a task. You can now leave the task page, the timer will be displayed at the top of all TaxDome pages.

2. If needed, add a description, pause or finish the time entry right from the task page, or click the three dots to the right for editing and deleting it.

3. Once finished, you will see the Edit time entry sidebar. Make any changes you need, then click Save. 

If you have several time entries added for one task, the total time you've spent on them will be displayed inside the task.


Note! Team members with the Manage time entries access right can view, edit and delete all the time entries for the task. Otherwise, they can only see timers they've created.

Edit tasks

Edit a task to change its status or account, track task's time, check off subtasks or rewrite the description. Tasks can be edited one at a time or in bulk.

If anybody edits a task assigned to you, you'll get an email and Inbox+ notification.

There are many ways to edit a task:

  • Click on the task name on the Insights or Calendar pages
  • Click on the linked task from the job card or from the Link Tasks page
  • Select the task name in your Tasks list, then click Edit
  • Change the assignee, start date, due date, priority, tags or status right in the Task list


Note: When you change the account of a task linked to a job, it automatically unlinks.

Bulk-edit tasks

To make changes to several tasks:

1. Select the task names in a Tasks list, then click Edit.

2. Make your changes, then click Save.

When bulk-editing tasks, keep in mind:

  • You cannot change template
  • You cannot attach or remove files
  • You cannot edit subtasks
  • You cannot edit, delete or add comments
  • The data in all unchanged fields remains the same
  • You can change the task assignees, but can't unassign tasks or change roles

Edit a single task if you need to do any of the above.

Use task comments

While working, you might come across information you need for a specific task. Jot it down inside the task comments. This way, team members assigned to the task will see it.

To add a comment to a task:

1. Click on the task name or the three dots to its far right, then select Edit.

2. In the Comments section, click Add comment, click on the text field, then type the note.

3. Click Save to keep your changes. The comment—along with the date and name of the team member who wrote it—is then saved inside the task. When the comment is no longer needed, click the trash icon to the right of it to delete it.

Delete tasks

To remove a task completely, follow these steps:

  1. Click the three dots to the far right of the task name, then click Delete.
  2. Click Delete in the Delete Confirmation pop-up.

Who can do this?

Once a team member has access to the client account, they can do all actions with tasks, for example:

  • View all of the firm’s tasks for their assigned accounts
  • Create tasks for assigned accounts
  • Change the task assignees
  • Change the task status
  • Make any changes to the task
  • Track time inside a task

A firm owner, admins, and employees with the View all accounts access right have access to all firm tasks. 

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