đź’° Payroll: Initial TaxDome setup

Greetings, payroll practitioner! Lots of your colleagues implement similar processes in TaxDome for managing their payroll practices. We are dedicated to our mission of divulging all the secrets about how to set up your TaxDome processes now so that you reap the rewards hereafter. Get ready to read about the most useful features and settings designed to take your payroll practice to a new level.

Complete the general onboarding steps before you proceed so that you are familiar with the TaxDome basics.


Tip: Download this Simple Checklist to track your progress in setting up TaxDome for Payroll and save time!

Covered here:

Use tags to filter accounts or to set up pipelines


Goal: To create custom tags that will put client accounts into a certain workflow. 

Create tags based on the type of payroll services you offer: for example, Monthly, Weekly, Bi-weekly or Payroll. You can immediately start applying them as you import clients. Later, they’ll come in handy when you filter your accounts and set up pipeline automations.

Payroll tags are used to group accounts together. After you've tagged your accounts, you gain the following options:

  • Filter your client list to find:
    • Monthly payroll clients that haven't yet uploaded their timesheets (i.e. clients that have a “Monthly Payroll” tag and an overdue task).
    • Clients with overdue invoices (i.e. clients that have a “Payroll” tag and an unpaid invoice).
    • Clients who haven't yet signed their engagement letter (i.e. clients that have a “Payroll” tag and a pending proposal).
    • Find prospective clients that have not yet made their initial deposit (i.e. clients that have “Prospect” and “Payroll” tags and an unpaid invoice).
  • Set up automated processes
  • Request documents and send messages in bulk, etc.
  • Categorize clients by making separate tags for clients, i.e.:
    • Those that need to send you payroll information every X days.
    • Those that pay fixed salaries and don't need to send any sort of payroll info.

Use a custom folder structure for different payroll clients


Goal: To create a custom set of folders for each client group. 

Since you already have groups for your clients, you might want to think about how the folder structure in their Docs is different depending on the services you provide.

Customize your folder templates to make uploading payroll files easy. 

You can adjust it for monthly payroll:

Or, for weekly payroll:

Or, create a separate folder structure for clients for whom you provide both tax and payroll services:

Set up custom fields


Goal: To learn how to input additional client data into TaxDome.

You can include additional client data to automate even more processes. That's what custom fields are for.

These fields can include any custom data you are using when working with your clients, such as:

  • Company size
  • Industry
  • Custom name
  • Business name
  • EIN

Custom fields can be added both to accounts (companies, families) and contacts (individuals).

Custom fields can be used as shortcodes throughout the system in:

Import your clients in groups


Goal: To have your clients imported to TaxDome, with proper tags, folder structure and custom fields.

The last piece of advice on setting up your CRM so that your practice runs smoothly is to create separate spreadsheets for each client group based on the payroll service type (e.g. monthly or weekly). When you are ready for the import, you should upload these spreadsheets one by one and select different tags and folder templates for them.


Tip: Check out TaxDome Academy for a comprehensive course on using TaxDome for Payroll.

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