🙌 Team Management: Our Most Widely Used Features

Once you’ve onboarded everyone, you’ll see just how much the teamwork can be enhanced on TaxDome. You’ll choose access levels for team members, add them to pipelines and assign them to jobs and tasks—but there’s more! Here, we’ve put together some of the team-management tools our users find most helpful.
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Webinar: Learn how to use TaxDome to foster collaboration, efficiently manage your team, and keep them focused and productive at all times with Manage your team efficiently

Use Comments Inside Tasks

Recommended feature: Try this right away!

  • Notifications help keep track of tasks. When a task is assigned or someone mentions you, you receive a notification in your  Inbox+. You can even reply to some notifications right from your Inbox+!

Keep Notes About Clients & Jobs

Recommended feature: Try this right away!

  • Link notes to tasks and jobs. A person working on a job or task can always link any of the relevant account notes to it. Linking ensures the client-specific info is always at hand.

More great features to explore now or later? 

Group Message With a Client

Recommended feature: Try this right away!

  • Use @mentions in messages. Tag a colleague in a chat thread by using @ before their name. It’s a great way to bring another team member into the conversation with a client when you need their expertise. 
  • More great features to explore now or later?

    Create Procedure Cheat Sheets

    Recommended feature: Try this right away!

    • Create Wiki pages. Make pages for onboarding, standard operating procedures, etc. Once you have some, add them to jobs so team members always have them handy to help them efficiently perform their work.

    More great features to explore now or later?

    • Add Wiki pages to jobs. Adding wiki pages to jobs makes sure team members always have the instructions they need to perform their work efficiently.

Tip: Check out TaxDome Academy for our comprehensive course on effective team management.

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