Windows App: Upload Documents
The TaxDome Windows application lets you upload your documents and folders quickly and easily. Here are the different actions you can take:
Uploading documents
To upload files using the TaxDome Windows application:
1. Click + NEW on the top left of the page, select File Upload, then choose the files
2. Select the client account to which you wish to upload the files
Below, see how to handle each numbered section:
1. Account: Select which account the documents are for.
2. Select file destination: Select the top-level folder to which you’d like to upload the documents. Here's more on visibility and access levels.
3. Directory: By default, documents are saved to a top-level folder. If you want to select a subfolder, click Change. To create a new folder, click the folder icon, enter the name of the new folder, click the green checkmark to the right, then сlick CHOOSE.
4. File name: Edit the name of the file if needed.
5. Link to job: Toggle this on, then select a job for the account to which the document will be linked. Read more about linking elements to jobs.
6. Lock document to an unpaid invoice: Toggle this on if you want the document to be visible to the client, but downloadable only once they have paid for the service. The doc unlocks as soon as the payment has been made. Select the invoice to which you wish to lock the document from the list or click CREATE NEW INVOICE to create a new invoice, then сlick CHOOSE. (Here's more on locking docs to invoices.)

Note: This option is available only for uploads to top-level folders with the Client can view access. You can read more about visibility settings.
7. Request client approval: Toggle this on to find out whether clients are satisfied with your work or need to make changes. Here's more information on asking for feedback from clients.
8. Request client signature: If you want clients to e-sign documents, toggle this on. Here's more on adding signature fields.
9. Description: Edit the description of the document, if needed (up to 150 characters).
10. Inform clients about upload: Let clients know that a file has been uploaded. By default, this is toggled on, so that an automatic email notification goes out to them. Turn it off if you don’t want clients to receive notifications.

Note: This option is available only for uploads to the top-level folders with the Client can view access. Here's more on visibility settings.
11. UPLOAD FILES: Click to start the uploading process; you’ll see the progress. Once the files have finished loading, they’ll be available in the Docs tab of the client account profile.
Uploading folders
The TaxDome Windows application lets you upload entire folders containing multiple client account docs. To add a folder, click + NEW, select Folder Upload, then choose the folder. Continue as described above. It’s much quicker than uploading docs one by one.
When uploading folders, keep these facts in mind:
TaxDome processes all files in the selected folder and its subfolders.
For the safety and security of your data, TaxDome does not recognize all file types (more on unrecognized file types).
You can provide details for each doc in your folders and subfolders: select the client, the destination folder, etc.
Your original folder structure is not replicated in TaxDome; you’ll need to create new folders to organize your files. Or you can bulk upload to keep your original structure. Note that new folders will be created with the Client can view and edit access level.
You can’t select several folders at once. If you need to upload docs from several different folders, use the UPLOAD FOLDER button for each one.
Uploading in bulk
Our Bulk Upload feature is helpful when you have lots of old client docs in folders on your desktop or in cloud storage. Bulk uploading allows you to quickly move those documents to TaxDome.
When you bulk upload:
- Files that are not in folders are uploaded to a Private top-level folder. This way, you can sort them whenever you’re ready. If you don’t already have a top-level folder called Private, one is automatically created for you.
- Folders on your desktop are automatically matched to account names in TaxDome, so that you don’t have to select each one manually.
- If a desktop folder does not have a matching client account, you can create one quickly.
- Files are uploaded in the background, so you can use the app while uploading is in progress.
Here's how to upload in bulk:
1. Place each document you need to upload in the proper client folder. Create as many subfolders as you need inside a client folder. The maximum upload file size is 300 Mb.
2. Click +NEW, then select Bulk Upload. You can also right-click the TaxDome Windows application tray icon and select Bulk Upload.
3. Locate the parent folder you’ve created. If the name of the folder is the account name or ID, the TaxDome Windows application will match the client names automatically. You also have the option of adding new accounts or selecting existing accounts.
Check out our tips on folder prep below:
4. Locate the upload destination in the Destination drop-down by selecting a folder, or click the CREATE FOLDER button to upload files to a new folder.
5. Click UPLOAD FILES to add your documents to TaxDome.
You can watch the progress of the upload or you can minimize it, and it will continue running in the background. Once files have finished uploading, you can download a report. Successfully uploaded files will be available in the Docs section of each client profile with the folder structure in place.
Files that are not matched to an account can be viewed under the Unmatched tab.
If any errors occurred during the uploading process, they are displayed under the Errors tab.
Preparing the folder structure for bulk upload
To make sure your folders are automatically paired with the proper client accounts, each folder name needs to match its corresponding TaxDome client account name or account ID.
To find a client ID and account name, go to the Clients section. They are listed in the ID and NAME columns. Client account names are either the name of the organization or the first and last name of the client.
A client ID is a unique combination of two letters and one number, such as JB1 or AR2.
Creating account folders in bulk
When using the Bulk Upload feature (details here) or copying files from TD Drive to your local folders or vice versa, you need to have account folders created on your computer. Here, we will show you how to do it quickly, even if you have dozens of clients.
To do so, you need to build a folder-creating script. Here's how:
- Prepare the CSV file you used to import contacts to TaxDome. You can also use the Export Accounts feature from the Clients page. Here's more on exporting contact lists.
- Create a folder on your desktop and place the CSV file into the folder.
- Open the CSV file. Find the column with account names; it is the only one you need. Delete all the other columns.
- Copy the formula:=CONCATENATE("MD ",CHAR(34),A2,CHAR(34)) in the cell to the right of the one with the account name and then apply it to the whole column (you can use autofill features in Google Sheets or Excel). If CONCATENATE formula is not available in your software, try to use CONCATE instead.
- Select all the cells with the formula applied (column B) and copy them.
- Create a notepad file in the same folder and paste the value into it. Save the file, naming it Script.bat and selecting the All files file type. Then close it.
- Open Script.bat to run the script. It will rapidly create folders in bulk.
Now you're ready to use the Bulk Upload feature to quickly move all the folders to TaxDome. Here are more details.
Viewing the upload history
Not sure that you’ve uploaded all the necessary documents? View your upload history to find out. Click the UPLOAD HISTORY link to see the date, file name, client info and uploading status. Click CLEAR HISTORY to delete this info (this will not delete your files).