Report an issue

We’re always here to help with any kind of technical problem or difficulty. Here’s how to reach out when you need us:

Report an issue through the TaxDome portal

We appreciate hearing from you. If you’ve encountered a bug, please let us know by clicking Feedback in the top navigation bar. Then click Bug report.

This takes you to the form on the page. Fill out the form, including as much information as you can.

Once you’re done, you’ll receive an email with the report summary and a submission ID. Use the ID to keep track of the issue.

When you’ve submitted a bug report, follow these steps:

1. Go to Settings, then open the Firm settings tab.

2. In the Editor access pane, toggle on Allow the support team to log In with Owner-like permissions, then click Save.

This setting can be toggled on by a firm owner or admin.

Report an issue in the Windows app

Help improve the TaxDome Windows app by giving us feedback about any problems you encounter.

1. Click three dots in the top right corner or right-click anywhere on the title bar and select Report an issue.

2. Describe the problem and click SEND. The logs will be collected and sent automatically.

Our support team reviews everything, then sends you a reply.

Report an issue in the mobile app

To let us know about any bugs on the TaxDome Mobile app, click on the question mark help button in the upper-right corner of the screen, then click Report bug.

This will take you to the bug report form. Fill it out, including as much information as you can.

Once you’re done, our support team will dive into your feedback and get back to you with an answer.

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