TaxDome Drive: Automatically Keep Client Files Synced With Your PC
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viewing and learning everything you need to know about TaxDome.
TaxDome Drive works the same way as Dropbox or Google Drive. Once you launch the application on your desktop and sign in, you are prompted to create a TaxDome Drive. You can then view, upload and manage all of your clients’ documents from the drive without them taking up precious space on your computer.
Covered here:
- How to Use TaxDome Drive
- Upload, Copy or Move Files and Folders in TaxDome Drive
- Handling Sync Errors
- Saving Documents from Any Tax Software in TaxDome Drive
- Edit Files Directly in TaxDome Drive or Offline
- Upload Files in Bulk via TaxDome Drive
- Perform file actions from Drive
- Show Archived Accounts in TaxDome Drive
- Connecting TaxDome Drive
- Disconnecting TaxDome Drive
- Troubleshooting
How to use TaxDome drive
Once you install TaxDome Drive on your desktop, you are remotely connected to our server. You’ll see a folder (drive) containing all your client files. You can then drag any of them onto your desktop and vice versa, using all of the familiar file-management tools.
TaxDome drive will remain on your desktop. It allows you to access any of your TaxDome files without opening a browser to log in to your portal. You can also access and edit files offline.
TaxDome Drive will, by default, assign the most recent drive letter available, starting from the end of the list (e.g., Z:). If Z: is already in use, it will then assign Y:, and so on.
Upload, Copy or Move Files and Folders in TaxDome Drive
When working on TaxDome Drive:
- Folders and files are marked with a status icon:
Synced: a file or folder with all the files it contains is downloaded to your desktop and synced with the copy in the TaxDome portal. You can edit these files even while offline.
Not synced: a file or folder with all the files it contains is not synced with your desktop and is stored in the TaxDome portal only. Open the file to sync it and get the Synced status.
Uploading: a file or folder with all the files it contains on your desktop is being synced with the TaxDome portal. Mare sure you are connected to the Internet to allow the file or folder to upload and get the Synced status.
- You can create top-level folders and subfolders inside them. Documents are uploaded into any of the subfolders or the top-level folders.
- When you create top-level folders, they are created with the Client can view and edit
access level. Here's more on access levels.
- You can rename and delete documents and folders except for the default folder with the Client can view and edit
access level.
- You can move files between folders (e.g., from Private/Docs to Firm docs shared with client/2020).
- You cannot upload documents directly to account folders or create folders inside those.
- When uploading folders with documents, your original folder structure carries over.

Note: If you get an error message in File Explorer on Windows when editing your folders, reload the File Explorer window to fix the problem.
Heads up!
- You cannot upload folders with names that contain commas or periods.
- You cannot move documents or folders from one client account to another. However, you can copy the documents/folders from one client account and move them over to another.
- You cannot upload zip archives to TaxDome Drive. If you try to do so, you will need to fix the issue via the Sync Issues section. Or, use the desktop app or Web app if you need to upload zip archives.
Handling Sync Errors
Sometimes while copying files to TaxDome Drive, you may face errors requiring your action.
If an error occurred, the file will be marked with an error icon:
Attention mark: file extension is not supported, or it's a zip archive.
Red block mark: an unexpected error occurred, though the file extension is valid (e.g., the file is corrupted).
Follow these steps to resolve the issue:
1. Either click the notification at the bottom right of your screen or click the Sync issues link inside the app (it is displayed only if there are uploading issues)
2. You will see the list of files with error descriptions and action buttons for each of them:
Depending on the error type, you've got three available options to handle the issue:
- Click Unpack to upload a zip archive as a folder, or click Remove to delete it
- The Remove button is the only option for files with a not supported extension
- Click Retry to repeat uploading if an unexpected error occurred. If the problem appears again, remove it.

Note! Removing a file while handling errors moves it to the Windows Recycle bin, where you can find it again.
Edit Files Directly in TaxDome Drive or Offline
TaxDome Drive allows you to edit documents directly from Windows Explorer with any third-party applications you use on your computer.
If you open a file in TaxDome Drive and make changes, the file automatically updates in the client account profile. You don’t need to download a file, make changes and upload it again.
Files with the Synced status can be edited offline. After editing, they will remain
Uploading and will become Synced once you're connected to the Internet.
Upload Files in Bulk via TaxDome Drive
For more helpful how-to videos, visit TaxDome Academy, our free online hub for
viewing and learning everything you need to know about TaxDome.
With TaxDome Drive you can upload many documents into several client accounts at once. To upload documents in bulk, follow these steps:
- Create a folder on your computer that contains a subfolder with the name that corresponds to the account name on TaxDome. Then, repeat the folder structure that you use in your TaxDome accounts.
- You also can create additional folders that are not already on TaxDome. These will be created with a Client can view and edit
access level.
- Place the documents in your local folders. Remember that documents can’t be stored directly inside account folders: Place them inside subfolders.
- Copy your local account folders onto TaxDome Drive.
Perform file actions from Drive
While working with your files in TaxDome Drive, you can perform some actions without opening the portal:
- Link to job: click on the document to open the Link to job window, select a job from the Select job drop-down and click LINK. Learn more in the article on linking docs to jobs.
- Mark as read for client: once documents are marked as read for a client, the NEW badge and the notification in Waiting for action are no longer displayed.
- Open in web: allows you to view a document in the Web app via your browser.
- Seal document: seals the document so that the client cannot delete, edit or move it to another folder.
- Request signature: click on the document to open the Request signature window, place the signatures and click SEND. Learn more in the article on requesting signatures.
Show Archived Accounts in TaxDome Drive
By default, archived accounts are hidden in TaxDome Drive. To show archived accounts in your TaxDome Drive, click the three dots on the top right of the TaxDome application, then select Show archived accounts.
Connecting TaxDome Drive
To get TaxDome Drive on your computer, use the TaxDome Desktop application for Windows. Once you launch the application and sign in, you are prompted to create the drive. Click Yes to set up a connection.

Note: The installation may take several minutes.
If you click No, you can always connect later. If not, click the three dots on the top right and select Connect TaxDome Drive.
Open File Explorer. You’ll see that TaxDome has now been added as a drive under This PC. Now, you can view all of your TaxDome client documents, copy them to folders and drag-and-drop them where you need to (see How to Use TaxDome Drive).

Note: You can use TaxDome Drive only when you’re logged on to the application.
Disconnecting TaxDome Drive
If you need to disconnect TaxDome Drive, there are two ways to do it:
1. First, open the TaxDome application.
2. Then click the three dots on the top right of the TaxDome application and select Disconnect TaxDome Drive.
Another way to do it is using the system tray.
1. First, right-click on the TaxDome application tray icon.
2. Then select Disconnect TaxDome Drive.