TaxDome subscription - AU/NZ/JP: Everything you need to know

Attention! For the Australia/New Zealand/Japan users only. Click for the subscription info for the US/CA or EU-BR.
Find out everything you need to know about TaxDome subscriptions: pricing plan, monthly payments for seasonal staff, renewals, transfers to other team members, changes in billing information, and much more.
One-year and multi-year TaxDome subscriptions
TaxDome comes with 3-year, 2-year, and 1-year licenses .
A one-year license costs AU$ 960/NZ$ 960/JP¥ 112,000 per year.
You can purchase a license for 3 years at a price of AU$ 720/NZ$ 720/JP¥ 84,000 per year and save 12% as compared to a 1-year subscription. By purchasing a 3-year license, you lock in your existing rate for three years.
Also, you can buy a license for 2 years at a price of AU$ 840/NZ$ 840/JP¥ 98,000 and save 6%.
Upgrade plan from a trial to a paid one
Your two-week trial period starts when you create your firm’s TaxDome account. Once you’ve begun, you can use all the TaxDome features. If you already understand that TaxDome will benefit you, you can start the subscription anytime.
Once the trial period ends, you’ll need to purchase an annual subscription, also called a license, in order to continue using TaxDome. As a firm owner, you cannot buy a monthly subscription.
However, when you use TaxDome, your team members can be on either an annual or monthly subscription plan. The only difference between annual and monthly is the price. Monthly subscriptions are especially useful when you have temporary or seasonal staff, or you’re not ready to buy annual subscriptions for all of your team members.
Here is more information on pricing.
To purchase a TaxDome subscription:
1. Go to Settings > Team & Plans and open the Plan overview tab, then click Subscribe in Your plan section.
2. Select your pricing plan, then review it. As a firm owner, you need at least one annual subscription, or license, to use TaxDome.
You'll have the option of selecting the 1-year, 2-year or 3-year license. If you also add team members during your trial, you’ll be offered to buy subscriptions for them, as well.
- If you don’t need subscriptions for some of your team members, clear the checkboxes next to their names. You can return to the Team members tab to Upgrade team licenses later.
- Decide on the best license period for each team member. Remember that multi-year options for the team members will be available only if you choose a multi-year plan for the firm owner.
- Review your plan, click Next button.
3. The date when your trial plan will be converted to a paid subscription is shown on the Confirm page. Tick the checkbox if you agree with the displayed message. Then click Next button:
4. Enter your credit or debit card data and click the Submit payment button.
To learn more about available payment options for you, go to the article on subscription payment.
How your subscription cost is calculated
The date when your trial ends (sign-up date + two weeks) is your renewal date. Regardless of when you add a user to your account, the renewal date stays the same.
If you decide to upgrade before the end of the trial period, your credit or debit card will be charged only on your renewal date. You will still get a free two-week trial if you purchase a subscription before your trial period ends. There’s no chance of losing any free days!
Your annual subscription is valid for 365 days.
Add a team member in the middle of your annual subscription cycle
The annual subscription cost for a new user is based on the number of days remaining until your renewal date.
For example, if you are adding a team member to your account 60 days after your renewal date, it will cost AU$ 960 * [(365 − 60) ÷ 365] = AU$ 802. The annual subscription for all users ends on your original renewal date, no matter when you purchased annual subscriptions for your team members.
- How to add a subscription for a new team member
- How to add a subscription for a team member who had been deactivated
Upgrade a monthly subscription to an annual one
The expiration date of a monthly subscription is displayed in the Renewal column of the Team members tab. You can upgrade a monthly subscription to an annual one at any time and save on cost.
The annual subscription price for a user with an active monthly subscription is based on the number of days remaining in the paid month and the number of days remaining before your subscription-renewal date.
For example, if you are upgrading a team member 22 days before their monthly subscription ends and 357 days before your annual subscription ends, it will cost AU$ 960 × (357.873 ÷ 365) − 85 × (22.366 ÷ 30) = 941.25 − 63.37 = AU$ 877.88.
The upgrade cancels the monthly license, adding the user to the firm’s annual subscription.
Since the monthly subscription is user-based, you can choose to upgrade all of your team members who have monthly subscriptions or only some of them.
1. Go to Settings > Team & Plans and open the Team members tab, then click Upgrade team licenses.
2. In the Upgrade team licenses sidebar, find a team member for whom you want to upgrade the license. Right now, in the License period column, they have Monthly. Click the arrow in the License period column next to the team member name and select the license period you want to upgrade to. If you already have available annual subscriptions, you can apply them by selecting the Use available licenses checkbox.
3. Review the subtotal, click Upgrade button, then Confirm and pay.

Note! Your team can be on different duration cycles than the firm owner but cannot have a license that expires after the firm owner.
Change from annual to monthly subscription
To change your team members' subscriptions from annual to monthly:
1. Deactivate their licenses at least 24 hours before the expiration date.
2. Restore their account and choose the monthly subscription instead of the annual one.
Upgrade from a 1-year or 2-year subscription to a longer one
You can upgrade your 1-year subscription to a 2-year or a 3-year plan and save on cost. You can also upgrade from a 2-year subscription to a 3-year one. Since the subscription automatically renews with a 1-year license, we recommend you upgrade to a multi-year plan before your renewal date.
- If upgrade is performed before your renewal date:
In this case, your new subscription will start after your current one ends. For example, if your current subscription ends on December 31st, 2024, and you upgrade to a 3-year plan, your new subscription will commence on January 1st, 2025, lasting for the next 3 years. Remember, the payment for the upgrade is processed on the renewal date.
- If upgrade is performed after your renewal date:
Did you miss the chance to upgrade before your current billing period ended, and your license has already been automatically renewed at the price of AU$ 960 for 1 year? If you wish to save by upgrading to a 2- or 3-year plan, you can still do so within 30 days of your renewal.
In this case, you will pay for the days you've used on your current 1-year plan and pay for the remaining days with the prorated amount. For example, if you are upgrading to a 3-year plan 10 days after your subscription has been automatically renewed for a 1-year license, it will cost AU$ 720 * 3 − AU$ 960 * [(365 − 10) ÷ 365] = 2160 - $933.7 = AU$ 1226.3.
To upgrade to a multi-year subscription, follow these steps:
1. Go to Settings > Team & plans and click See options at the right of the Plan overview tab.
2. Select the 2-year or 3-year license, repeat for all team members (optional), then click Continue button.
3. Confirm your payment.
Transfer the subscription from one team member to another one
If your team members have changed in the middle of a subscription cycle, there’s no need to buy additional licenses for the new people.
- Deactivate a team member who doesn't need their license anymore. As a result, you will free up a license for a new team member.
- Add a new team member to your account and upgrade their license. The available license will be used by default.

Attention! When you add a new team member, double check if you choose the same plan. For example, if you paid for an 3-year plan for the ex-employee, you should select the 3-year plan for a new employee as well. In any other case, you will be charged despite having an available free license.

Note! Available annual and monthly licenses will also be used by default when you’re restoring team members who might have been previously deactivated.
Review your subscription
To review all information regarding your annual subscription, go to Settings > Team & Plans from the left menu bar and open the Plan overview tab. Here’s what you’ll find out:
- Your plan: Your selected pricing plan.
- Firm renewal date: The day your trial or annual subscription ends.
- Next estimated bill: Your expected renewal payment amount based on the number of used licenses.
- Used licenses: The number of team members currently active on your firm’s TaxDome account.
- Available licenses: Once you’ve deactivated a team member, their subscription (whether annual or monthly) becomes available to any team member you add and will be used by default for upgrading team licenses and restoring deactivated team members.
- Bonus days: Trial days left or referral program benefits.
Does TaxDome provide a W-9?
We do not perform work or provide services to your accounting firm. TaxDome sells software your firm pays for with an annual fee.
This is a documented deductible expense that does not require filing out a W-9 form.