TaxDome Subscription (Basic): Renew, update, cancel

TaxDome consistently helps you organize and automate your practice. We want to keep it that way, which is why your subscription automatically renews. You can update or cancel at any time as well as change your payment method. 

How automatic renewal works

Your subscription is automatically renewed on your renewal date. All users who are active as of the renewal date are renewed.

Your TaxDome subscription will renew with a 1-year license. Please note:

  • Alternatively, you can update it for 3-year or 2-year licenses to save up to 12,5% as a discount ( currently available in the US/CA/AU/NZ only). 
  • You can also switch to a different pricing plan to access advanced featuresLearn more about subscription plans (currently available in the US/CA only).

Monthly subscriptions are automatically renewed after one month following the initial date of purchase. A monthly subscription that is not linked to any team member is automatically canceled at the end of the period.


Note! You must apply changes to your subscription plans (i.e. deactivate annual team member licenses, select the multi-year plan for each of them) before the renewal date. Otherwise, you would need to pay full price for every subscription you currently have.

If you’re the firm owner, we’ll start notifying you about your expiring subscription 30 days before the renewal date. 

Manage payment methods

Your payment method used to pay for your firm’s subscription, KBA or QES/AdES credits and SMS is stored securely in our payment processor, Stripe. It is still easy to manage. In a few clicks, you can:

Add payment methods

If you haven't added a payment method yet, do so to automate your purchases. You will not have to enter payment details again for every subscription renewal or to buy new licenses:

  1. Go to Settings > Team & Plans and select the Plan overview tab.

  2. In the Payment method section, click Add payment method, then enter your payment details and click Submit.

Changes may take a moment to update. Refresh your page to see them immediately.

Once you have added your first payment method, you will see the Billing details section below it. Information stored there will appear in your subscription invoices. Click Edit to change any billing details you need.

Change & delete payment method

When you need to change or delete your payment method, follow these steps:

  1. Go to  Settings > Team & Plans and select the Plan overview tab.

  2. Click Update in the Payment method section.

  3. Here, you can:
  • Change your payment method with a new one by clicking Add new card.
  • Change your payment method to any existing one by clicking on it.
  • Delete your payment by hovering over it and clicking the trash icon to the right. You cannot delete the payment method you are using right now (first, select another one).

Pay a past-due subscription

If your payment for a subscription renewal or an additional team member license fails, your subscription will be locked. When this happens, you, your team and your clients lose access to TaxDome and can't access the web portal anymore until the payment method is updated. Also, your team members' monthly subscriptions won't be renewed and charged.

If the card or bank account we have on file cannot be charged (e.g., due to insufficient balance), you will see a notification after signing in.

To process your license renewal:

1. Click Pay

2. Select the team members for which you want to renew the subscription. It is required to renew the subscription for yourself as a firm owner.

3. Select the subscription period for all selected team members.

4. Enter the payment details and click Save.

As you proceed with the license renewal, you will also be charged for team members' monthly subscriptions in case you have any.


Note! Payment of past-due subscription does not change your renewal date.

Cancel your TaxDome subscription

TaxDome subscriptions automatically renew unless canceled. If you wish to cancel your TaxDome subscription:

  1. Go to  Settings > Team & Plans and select the Plan overview tab.

  2.  In the Your plan section, click the three dots and select Cancel subscription, then submit the form.

After your subscription is canceled, you'll still be able to access the portal until the license expiration date.

Please cancel at least one business day prior to the renewal date.


Heads up: Export all your data if you wish not to renew or to cancel your subscription. Here's how back up your data.

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