Firm Balance (Basic): Top-up and Audit Trail

Manage your transactions for KBA and QES/AdES requests, as well as SMS charges. You can add funds using the Firm balance and view all the details in the Audit Trail.

Covered here:

Firm balance overview

There are some integrations and features on TaxDome that require payment for third-party providers. These are KBA or QES/AdES signature request charges and SMS costs. To use these features, you need to add funds to your firm balance first. These costs are not related to your TaxDome subscription and have never been used to pay for it. 

Go to Settings > Firm balance from the left menu bar to view your current balance and add funds. This could also be accessed from SMS tab of the Settings > Integrations page (if the SMS feature is already connected in your firm).

Here, you can see the amount of funds available. If you use the QES/AdES feature, you may also have some funds reserved for QES/AdES requests. This is the money reserved to ensure that there will be enough funds to pay for e-signatures for all signers once their turn comes. If not used fully, they will be returned to the main balance once the document is fully signed.

Topping up the firm balance

To top up the balance, a firm owner, admin or any employee with access rights to charge the firm's balance can select the amount on the Settings > Firm balance page and click Buy.

If you set up the SMS integration, you will also have the auto top-up option, which is triggered when the firm balance falls below the selected amount, saving your Twilio phone number. You can set up that in two steps:

1. Go to Settings > Integrations from the left menu bar, select the SMS tab and click the Edit auto top-up link.

2. Make your edits in the Auto top-up sidebar and click Save:

  • When firm balance falls below: select the amount on the firm balance, upon reaching which the auto top-up will be triggered.
  • Top up amount: select the amount of automatic top-up.

Audit trail for firm balance

You’ll always be able to see what money from firm balance is spent on. To view your transactions, go to  Settings > Firm balance from the left menu bar, then click the Audit trail link at the top right. There, you will find information about when someone:

  • Adds funds to your Firm balance
  • Requests KBA (either successfully or not)
  • Reserves an amount for the QES/AdES request
  • Returns the reserved QES/AdES amount
  • Sends or receives an SMS
  • Charges the SMS connection fee and SMS monthly payments

In the Audit Trail window, you'll find out the totals for what you've spent and purchased, sorted chronologically by the most recent event. It includes the following information:

  • ACCOUNT NAME: the first and last name of the account user, or the name of their business
  • USER: the first and last name, and email address of the user who initiated balance changes
  • DESCRIPTION: an event that took place with the balance (a KBA/QES/AdES request or a balance charge, for example)
  • COST: the amount of the event's transaction
  • DOCUMENT: the name of the document if a KBA/QES/AdES request took place. Deleted documents are greyed out.
  • SERVER TIME: the time when the event took place on TaxDome. The time is shown in UTC.
  • CLIENT TIME: the time at the user’s location when the event took place. The difference between UTC and the user’s location time is also displayed.
  • IP ADDRESS: the IP address of the user who had had the event, as well as the city and country they are located in.
  • BROWSER: the browser used when the event took place.
  • OS: the operating system of the user who had the event.

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