Organizers list (Basic): Filter, search, sort
TaxDome gives you many tools to manage and track your client organizers. You can access all organizers at once or just those sent to a specific client. You can also filter a list of organizers, sort or search them, and more.
Organizer list
You have two ways to see the organizers sent to your clients:
- For a single client: Go to Clients > Accounts from the sidebar menu, click on the client account, then open the Organizers tab. The circle displayed to the right of the Organizers tab shows how many pending (neither archived, sealed, nor submitted) organizers an account has. If there are no organizers here, you haven’t sent one out yet.
- For all clients: Go to Organizers from the sidebar menu.
Once the client has received an organizer, you can see the following:
- Organizer name: How the organizer is called (client-faced).
- Account (only for the Organizers page): The client you sent the organizer to.
- Date updated: The date the organizer's answers were last updated, either by the client or by a team member on the client's behalf. All changes made are saved automatically in real-time.
- Date created: The date the organizer was sent to the client/created by the client.
- Submitted: The date the organizer was submitted. Empty if the organizer is still pending.
- Created by: The team member or client who created the organizer.
- Status: If the client didn't start to fill out the organizer or didn’t complete it, the status is Pending. If the client or a team member submitted the organizer, the status is Completed.
- Progress: The first number represents answered questions. The second one shows the total number of questions, excluding hidden conditional ones.
- Seal: You'll see the Sealed tag when a team member has sealed the organizer to prevent the client from making new changes
Both on the Organizers page and in the client profile, you can switch between the Active and Archived tabs. Archiving is useful for cleaning up the organizers list after you have finished working on them.
Customize a list
You can customize your organizer list in various ways. For example, you can resize, enable, disable and move columns to your liking:
- Сustomize the size of each column: To do it, click and hold the divider between column names and resize it by moving your mouse.
- Customize the columns you want to display: To do it, click the gear icon at the top right of the table. Here, you can select the columns you want to be displayed and change their order. You can enable, disable or move any columns you want, except for the Organizer name column. After clicking Apply, the table will be rebuilt with the new settings. Click Reset to return to the default table view.
Filter organizer list
Use filters if you need to:
- Find specific organizers quickly (e.g., you want to see only submitted or pending organizers).
- Generate comprehensive reports (e.g., by choosing organizers sent by a particular team member).
The following organizer filters are available:
Account name: See only organizers sent to selected client accounts.
Date updated: See entries based on their last update date.
Status: See only organizers in particular statuses (Completed or Pending).
- Created by: See only organizers created by particular team members or clients.
You can also use the search field on the right to filter organizers by name.
To narrow down a list of organizers, click Filter at the left and select the filters. You can apply several filters.
Create presets to save filter combinations, allowing them to be applied with just one click next time. To create presets, customize the desired filters and save them as a preset.
Sort organizer list
Sort organizers by name, date updated, date created, date submitted and the seal status. Click the up-down arrows next to the chosen column name to sort the list. The sorting option can also be applied after searching or filtering organizers.
Search for organizers
To search for an organizer by its name or client account, type a keyword in the search field and press Enter. Click x in the search field to clear it.
View pending organizers
You can see pending organizers not only on the Organizers page but also in the Accounts list. Here, it is possible to quickly find out how many resubmitted organizers particular client has. To do so, explore Pending organizers column on the Clients > Accounts page.

Note! This column will be available only if you have enabled Pending organizers in the account list customization sidebar.
To filter the account list to show only clients with pending organizers, follow these steps:
1. Go to Clients > Accounts from the menu sidebar, then click Filter.
2. Select Organizers in the dropdown and check Pending.
3. Optionally, create a filter preset to view clients with only active pending organizers by selecting All of as a selector and Pending with Active as filter values.

Note: If you archive a pending organizer, the client will be displayed when the Pending filter is applied, but the organizer won't appear in the Pending organizers column.