Organizers (Basic): View, remove, archive, seal, review, export, print
TaxDome gives you lots of tools to manage your clients’ organizers. Here, we show you everything you need to know to view, remove, archive, seal, export and print them.
- Viewing client answers
- Preventing the client from changing the organizer answers
- Renaming organizers
- Exporting organizers
- Printing organizers
- Archiving organizers
- Deleting organizers
Viewing client answers
Click the name of the organizer to view the information your client provided. The client's answers are displayed on a single page.
You can find the number of questions to the right of the organizer name. Note that only the question blocks are counted, the text blocks are not.
The client might leave the answers to some questions blank. By default, those questions will no longer be displayed when you view the organizer. You can, however, display them by toggling on Show hidden questions and Show unanswered questions at the top of the page. These toggles are independent of each other and work the following way:
- Show hidden questions. If toggled on, the unanswered questions that are hidden due to conditional logic will be displayed.
- Show unanswered questions. If toggled on, all visible questions that were left unanswered by the client will be displayed.
- Show answers pending review. If toggled on, shows answers pending review only and hides all the client's answers marked as reviewed.
When you toggle these on, keep in mind:
- When you reload the organizer, the toggles switch back off.
- If you want to print hidden, unanswered questions and answers pending review, you should enable the Show hidden questions and the Show unaswered questions toggles and disable the Show answers pending review toggle.
Preventing the client from changing the organizer answers
There are two ways to stop your client making changes to the filled organizer:
Sealing organizer
If you need a client to stop making changes to whole organizer, seal it. Click the three dots to the far right of the organizer’s name, then select Seal.
To set an organizer to seal automatically after the client has submitted it, click the Settings button and toggle on Automatically seal after the submission when you create or edit the organizer template.
Note: Automatically seal after the submission works even if you are submitting organizers on behalf of a client. For more details, go here.
By default, organizers sent to clients are unsealed. When you seal them, you’ll see a tag that says Sealed. Clients won`t see sealed organizers in the to-do list.
If you want a client to have access to the organizer again, click the three dots to the far right of its name and select Unseal.
Reviewing questions
One more way of preventing client to make changes to specific answers in the organizer is to mark such answers as reviewed. To do so, open the organizer and check the box to the right of the question.
When the question is marked as reviewed it will no longer be available for the client to edit. Once you uncheck the answer, the question becomes available for the client again. To view the history of reviews, click Review history to the right of the organizer name.
Renaming organizers
By default, the name of an organizer is the same as its template’s. You can change it either when you create the organizer or at some later point. To change it, click the three dots to the far right of the organizer’s name, then select Rename.
Note: Though clients can choose custom names for organizers when they create them, they won’t be able to rename them later.
Exporting organizers
You can always export a completed organizer to an external spreadsheet for analysis. A CSV file will contain conditional logic jumps (excluding the questions that don’t fall under the logic) as well as additional sections copied and completed by the client (if any). Follow these steps:
1. Go to the Organizers tab in the client’s account, click the three dots to the right of the organizer in the list, then select Export. You will receive an email with the download link valid for 24 hours only.
2. Click the download link in the email and login to TaxDome, if needed.
You’ll receive a zipped CSV file containing your organizer data:
Tip: If you open a CSV file in Excel, it will automatically cut leading zeros (e.g., 001 becomes 1). To find out how to retain them, go here.
Printing organizers
You can print one organizer or multiple organizers at once.
- To print one organizer, whether pending or completed, click the three dots to the right of the organizer in the list, then select Print.
Your browser will prompt you to print the organizer:
- To print multiple organizers, click the print icon at the top right of the Organizers page.
By default, the organizer list displays 25 per page. If you want to print more, select the number you’d prefer in the Rows per page menu at the bottom left of the page prior to printing.
Tip: By default, the unanswered questions won’t print. If you want to print them, toggle on Show unanswered questions and Show hidden questions or both. For more details about this, go here.
Archiving organizers
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viewing and learning everything you need to know about TaxDome.
Once an organizer is completed, it’s better to archive than delete it—you may need to go back to it. When you archive an organizer, you still have access to it. However, an archived organizer cannot be sealed, exported, printed or submitted. And because it is a record, you cannot edit it.
Note: Link archived organizers to jobs. By default, they won’t be displayed. To see all organizers, click the Filter button, select All, then click Apply.
Click the three dots to the right of the organizer you want to archive, then select Archive. The organizer is then moved from the Active to the Archived tab. Clients won`t see archived organizers in the to-do list.
If you’ve archived an organizer but need it again: Open the Archived tab, click on the three dots to the right of the organizer’s name, then select Restore.
Deleting organizers
Unlike archived organizers, deleted ones cannot be restored. To remove an organizer for good, click the three dots to the far right of the organizer’s name, select Delete, then click DELETE to confirm (this does not affect the original template).