Organizers (Basic): Submit, print, rename, archive
TaxDome provides many tools for managing your clients’ organizers. Here, we show you everything you need to know to submit, archive, and print them.
Know when organizers are ready
Once a client completes an organizer and clicks Submit, you receive a notification by email and in your Inbox+. Click on the organizer’s name or on the Go to... link to view it. You can also see all submitted organizers in the organizer list by clicking Organizers in the sidebar menu.
By default, you won’t receive a notification each time a client uploads a document to an organizer. If you do want to know when that happens, toggle on Notify about document upload in the organizer template settings.
Submit organizers for clients
Though organizers are usually submitted by clients, there is an option to do it on their behalf. There are several ways to submit an organizer, whether it’s fully completed or not:
- Click the three dots to the right of the organizer’s name in the list or when reviewing the answers inside an organizer, then select Submit.
- From the pipeline, select Submit organizer when moving a job with a linked organizer to the next stage.
Unsubmit organizers
You may need to unsubmit an organizer: For instance, you need additional information from a client or you accidentally submitted it.
Click the three dots to the right of the organizer’s name in the list, or when reviewing the answers inside an organizer, then select Unsubmit. In the slide-out, enter the reason for unsubmitting as an additional comment for the client (optional), then click Unsubmit organizer.
Once the organizer has been unsubmitted, its status changes to Pending, and an email about it is sent to the client. If you added a comment, it is is displayed in the notification.
Rename organizers
By default, the name of an organizer is the same as its template’s. You can change it either when you create the organizer or at some later point. To change it, click the three dots to the far right of the organizer’s name, then select Rename.

Note: Though clients can choose custom names for organizers when they create them, they won’t be able to rename them later.
Print organizers
You can print one organizer or multiple organizers at once.
- To print one organizer, whether pending or completed, click the three dots to the right of the organizer in the list, then select Print.
Your browser will prompt you to print the organizer:
- To print multiple organizers of one client, open the Organizers tab in their profile and click the print icon at the top right.
By default, the organizer list displays 25 per page. If you want to print more, select the number you’d prefer in the Rows per page menu at the bottom left of the page prior to printing.
By default, the unanswered questions will not print. To print them, toggle on Show unanswered questions/Show hidden questions or both inside each organizer. For more details about this, go here.
Archive organizers
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viewing and learning everything you need to know about TaxDome.
Once an organizer is completed, it’s better to archive than delete it—you may need to go back to it. When you archive an organizer, you still have access to it. However, an archived organizer cannot be sealed, exported, printed or submitted. And because it is a record, you cannot edit it.
Click the three dots to the right of the organizer you want to archive, then select Archive. Or, to archive several or all organizers, select their checkboxes and click Archive at the top left.
The organizer is then moved from the Active to the Archived tab. Clients won`t see archived organizers in the waiting for action list.
If you’ve archived an organizer but need it again, open the Archived tab, click on the three dots to the right of the organizer’s name, then select Restore.

Note: Link archived organizers to jobs. By default, they won’t be displayed in the list. To see all organizers when linking them to jobs, click the Filter button in the sidebar, select All, and then click Apply.
Delete organizers
Unlike archived organizers, deleted ones cannot be restored. To remove an organizer for good, click the three dots to the far right of the organizer’s name, select Delete, then click Delete to confirm (this does not affect the original template).