Organizers (Setup): Conditional Logic Jumps
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Our Conditions feature makes organizers easier for clients to fill out by hiding non-relevant questions and sections. When you use Conditions, clients no longer have to skip what doesn’t apply to them; instead, they just don’t see it. But if the client answers something a certain way, a secondary question, section, or text block is then displayed.
Covered here:
- Step 1. Add questions & sections
- Step 2. Add condition rules
- Step 3. Select the Mode (All vs. Any)
- Step 4. Finish & Preview Organizer
Step 1. Add questions & sections
To use Conditions, begin by adding all questions needed in the organizer: both the general ones all clients must answer and the secondary ones that appear when someone responds a particular way. If you want to add a set of secondary questions, create the section first, then add the questions.
For instance, all clients must be asked this question: Did you sell any property this year? If a client selects Yes, they’ll then see a new section appear displaying a set of secondary questions. If they choose No, then no further questions appear.
Step 2. Add condition rules
In the conditional section, click the gear icon to the right of an additional question, section, or text block, then toggle on Conditions.
In the Question field, select the general question the additional question, section, or text block refers to; in the Answer field, select the answer that needs to trigger additional questions, sections, or text blocks to be displayed (see below). Start typing the name of the question/answer, and you will see the suggested questions/answers.
You’ll be selecting questions from the ones you initially entered into the organizer. By default, you can select one; however, you can add more or delete the ones you no longer want.
- In the Answer field, only Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, Dropdown or Yes/No answers are available.
- Select the same question for your conditions as many times as needed.
- If the question you want is not in the drop-down, check if this condition is valid. For example, you can't select a question from the same section here.
- Don’t loop questions to each other. I.e, if question 1 triggers question 2, you cannot select question 2 to trigger question 1.
Step 3. Select the Mode (All vs. Any)
Depending on your needs, select All or Any from the Mode pull-down:
- All: The secondary question or section is displayed only when a client answers all general questions a certain way.
- Any: The secondary question or section is displayed when a client answer only one general question a certain way.
Step 4. Finish & Preview Organizer
Once you have set up the conditional logic jumps, a green Conditions indicator appears to the right of the secondary questions, sections, or text blocks. Hover the mouse over the indicator to see the general question it refers to; click on the question to jump to it.
You’ll also see an Impacts indicator to the right of the general questions all clients must answer. Hover the mouse over the indicator to see the secondary question, section, or text block it will trigger when a client answers a certain way; click on the question to jump to it.
To test how the conditional logic works, click the Preview Mode link at the top right. When you're in the preview mode, you can select answers like the client does and see if the conditional questions and sections appear the way we were meant to. Click Close to exit the preview mode and make changes to your organizer template.
Tip! You will be also able to preview the organizer and test conditional logic when manually sending it to the client.