Job recurrences (Advanced): Create, edit, delete
TaxDome allows you to have jobs repeat as needed, automatically generating them in your pipelines. You can set up a default schedule for all jobs you add to a pipeline or configure it separately for each recurrence. Make your jobs recur daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. Add job recurrences for each service you provide and easily adjust the recurrence settings if needed.
Add job recurrences
There are three simple ways to add job recurrences:
- By going to Workflow > Job recurrences from the left menu bar (this is the easiest way because from here you can add recurrences for any pipeline and client)
- From the kanban view of the pipeline (use the Manage recurrence link, then follow the steps below, excluding pipeline selection)
- From the Workflow tab in the client profile (use the Manage recurrence link, then follow the steps below, excluding pipeline and accounts selection)
To add the job recurrence from the Job recurrences list:
1. Click New job recurrence at the top of the page.
2. Select the accounts you want to add to the recurrence and click Continue.
To make it easier to search accounts, you can:
- Sort the list by account name or the number of job recurrences for an account.
- Click the search button at the top left of the New job recurrence sidebar, start entering the account name into the search field, and then press enter on your keyboard. The account list is narrowed accordingly. Click X in the search field to clear it.
- Filter your account list by clicking the Filter button on the far right of the menu bar. (Here's more on using filters to narrow down your account list.)
3. Select the pipeline where the new recurrence should be added.
4. Set up the recurrence settings.
You can speed up the creation process by setting up the default recurrence settings. Once you’ve added the default recurrence, it’s automatically applied to all new recurrences and can be easily tuned up if needed.
5. Set up Job parameters by selecting a job template and assignees responsible for the job, then click Create.
Now, each time a start date occurs, the job for the selected account is automatically added to the pipeline.

Tip! You can add as many job recurrences as needed for the same account. For example, if you need to prepare different forms for the same client, you can have them in separate jobs and customize each job in the way you need, with a recurrence set for each job.
After the job recurrences have been added to the schedule, they will become available in the Job recurrences list. You’ll also see the number of accounts with recurrent jobs under the pipeline name.
When you need to review the recurrence settings, go to Workflow > Job recurrences.
Recurrence settings
Recurrence settings in detail:
- Recurrence period: The start and the end (optional) dates of recurrence. These are the first and the last days the job appears in the pipeline.
- Repeats every: Choose custom periodicity and the repeat dates/days of the week from the drop-down, such as every year, every 3 months, etc.
- Job parameters: Select a job template and assignees responsible for the job. Note that manually set job assignees override those assigned in the job template.
Keep in mind:
- The Start date cannot be earlier or the same as the current date.
- Scheduled jobs start at 12 am. The starting times are affected by your time zone setting, so please check to make sure that you've set them up correctly.
- The End date is the last date the scheduled job will be created.
- If you choose the 31st as the repeat date, your jobs will only start in months with that date.
- You can change settings for the recurrence you add at a later point.
Here are some examples of what you will get by selecting different schedule settings :
Schedule Type | Deadlines | Occurrences |
Every day |
Start Date: Jan-1-2022 End Date: Dec-31-2022 |
First time: Jan-1-2022 Second time: Jan-2-2022 And daily until Dec-31-2022 |
Every week (every Friday) |
Start Date: Jan-1-2022 End Date: Dec-31-2022 |
First time: Jan-1-2022 Second time: Jan-5-2022 And once every week until Dec-31-2022 |
Every month (once a month) |
Start Date: Jan-1-2022 End Date: Dec-31-2022 |
First time: Jan-1-2022 Second time: Feb-1-2022 And once a month until Dec-31-2022 |
Every three months |
Start Date: Jan-1-2022 End Date: Dec-31-2022 |
First time: Jan-1-2022 Second time: Apr-1-2022 And once every three months until Oct-1-2022 |
Every year |
Start Date: Jan-1-2022 End Date: Jan-1-2024 |
First time: Jan-1-2022 Second time: Jan-1-2023 And once every year until Jan-1-2024 |
Custom (every 1 week on Monday and Friday) |
Start Date: Jan-1-2022 End Date: Dec-31-2022 |
First time: Jan-1-2022 Second time: Jan-5-2022 And once every Monday and Friday until Dec-31-2022 |
Custom (every 1 week, 10th and 20th day of the month) |
Start Date: Jan-1-2022 End Date: Dec-31-2022 |
First time: Jan-10-2022 Second time: Jan-20-2022 And once every 10th and 20th day of the month until Dec-31-2022 |
Set up default recurrence
If you set up the default recurrence settings (which is optional), they will be used to pre-fill fields when you set up recurrences to save time.
To do so, go to the pipeline settings page and select how often the job should repeat, then set the start and end (optional) dates and the repeat day. For details, go to the section on recurrence settings.
Edit recurrences
When you add a new job recurrence to the pipeline, you can always decide whether to use the default recurrence pipeline settings (if any) or select individual settings for the recurrence. The recurrence settings for any recurrence added to the pipeline could also be edited at any time, one by one or in bulk.
For example, this allows you to have all your payroll or bookkeeping clients in one pipeline, but each with its own schedule (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly). Or you may have different job templates for different clients (here's more on using recurrences with job templates).
For any recurrence, you can change:
- The repeat period
- The first and last recurring date
- The job template
- The job assignee (assignees chosen here override the ones previously selected in the job template)
To modify settings for a recurrence, go to Workflow > Job recurrences from the left menu bar, select one or more recurrences and click Edit.
To modify settings from the pipeline or from the client profile, click Manage recurrence, select one or more recurrences, and click on the Recurrence settings link.
Keep in mind that:
- Individual recurrence settings override the default recurrence pipeline settings.
- When editing recurrence settings in bulk, only the ones that are the same among the accounts you select will be filled. Others will be empty. (For example, if several recurrences have the same date but different assignees, the date field will be filled, and the assignee field will remain blank.)
- Future changes made to the default recurrence pipeline settings won’t apply to job recurrences that have already been added. Always modify recurrence settings via individual schedules.
- Deactivating a team member with assigned job recurrences reassigns those recurring jobs to the firm owner.
You can find the nearest recurring dates when managing your recurrences:

Note: If you attempt to exit the Recurrence settings page without clicking Save, you’ll get a warning. Click Keep editing in the pop-up alert if you want to continue making changes, or Discard changes if you want to discard any edits you've made. Avoid selecting the Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs checkbox if you prefer seeing this useful pop-up alert.
Deleting job recurrences from a schedule
If you want to delete recurrences that no longer needed, select them in the Job recurrences list, click Remove, then click Confirm.
This also can be done from the Manage recurrence section inside the pipeline.
How do I know when a scheduled job has been created?
When a new scheduled job is created inside a pipeline, you’ll receive a notification with the link to the pipeline. If something prevents a job from being created, you’ll also get a notification explaining why. Here’s more on system notifications about job automation issues.
By default, notifications are sent to your Inbox+ and via email. You can change your notification preferences at any time.
Access rights for managing job recurrences
The firm owner and the admin have access rights to manage the recurrence settings.
If you’d like an employee to have access as well, you’ll need to give them the access rights:
1. Go to Settings > Team & Plans from the left menu bar, open the Team members tab, then click three dots next to the team member’s name in the list. Select Edit.
2. In the Access rights section, toggle on desired settings (both or only one):
- The Manage job recurrence toggle grants access rights to add new recurrences and edit existing ones, as well as to access the Job recurrences list. It gives rights to set schedules only for the client accounts to which the employee already has access.
- The Manage pipelines toggle grants access rights to set and change pipelines settings, including the Default recurrence pipeline settings. It gives rights to change pipeline settings only for the pipelines to which the employee has access.
3. Click Save.