CRM (Basic): Import a CSV File with Taxpayer and Spouse on One Row

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When you export your client data from another software, you might see instances where a taxpayer and their spouse, as well as all their personal details, are on the same row on the CSV file spreadsheet. Don’t waste time copying and pasting data between rows—instead, run the import tool twice. It’s way faster. 

Here’s how:

Step 1. Export your client data to a CSV file

When importing your data, remember that there’s a difference between Accounts and Contacts. Accounts are the entities you work for and bill, whether a company (nonpersonal account) or an individual (personal account). Contacts are the actual people you interact with: their first name, their last name and their personal details, such as an e-mail address, which they’ll need to log on to TaxDome. Еach account on TaxDome will have one or more contacts—or users of the account—linked to it.

For detailed instructions on exporting your client data from some of the most frequently used tax softwares, go here.

With a married couple who file jointly and both need portal access, create one account, then link each spouse’s contact to it. (For more on how to set up different types of accounts, go here.)

Here’s what a CSV file with both spouses on one row might look like:

Step 2. Import the taxpayer contacts from the CSV file to TaxDome

Once you’ve exported your client data to a CSV file, you’re ready to import your contact data to TaxDome. Here, first you import the taxpayer contacts, then you import the spouse contacts separately.

Follow these steps to import the taxpayer contacts:

1. Upload the CSV file

Go to Clients > Accounts and click Import (you can also get to the Import button from the Contacts tab).

Drag-and-drop the CSV file or click Browse to locate it on your desktop and upload it that way.

2. Create accounts, tag them and add portal access

First, create family accounts for all the spouses.

Map Account Name: Select the column header name from your spreadsheet that corresponds to Account Name on TaxDome. If the column header name is Account Name on your spreadsheet, it is automatically mapped to the TaxDome Account Name field because they have the same name. 

Apply tags: if you need to apply tags to the imported accounts, scroll down to the Account tags CSV column (if you have such a column in your spreadsheet) and select Sync custom field in the Action dropdown, then choose Tags in the TaxDome column.

Linked contacts: Decide whether each taxpayer should have portal access, receive notifications and have their email synced. Here's more on portal access.

3. Import the taxpayer contacts: map columns to TaxDome

Import the taxpayer contacts, then do the spouse contacts separately.

Map each taxpayer contact detail to the corresponding TaxDome field by choosing Sync custom field from the Action drop-down menu. Select the corresponding property in the TaxDome drop-down menu: for example, First Name, Phone, Email and City

Do not map spouse contact details; instead, leave Ignore selected in the Action field.

Once you’ve finished mapping, click Continue. This does not begin the import process. You are still able to return to this step if you’ve made mistakes.

4. Review the mapping results and finish the import process

The mapping results will show you:

  • The contacts that will be created, including all their details such as names and email addresses.
  • The accounts that will be created, including the contacts linked to them.

If everything looks good, click Start Import. If not, go back and fix whatever you need to.

You can leave the page; the process continues on its own. Once the import is done, you’ll receive an email notification. 

You’ll now have the following on TaxDome:

  • All your taxpayer contacts.
  • All the accounts those taxpayer contacts are linked to.

Step 3. Import the spouse contacts from the CSV file to TaxDome

Now you are adding the spouse contacts to TaxDome. This requires running the import tool a second time and selecting the same CSV file. However, this time, map the spouse contact details to TaxDome, repeating the same process you used with the taxpayer contacts.

1. Map Account Name: Select the column header name from your spreadsheet that corresponds to Account Name property on TaxDome. You’ve already created these accounts, and no new ones will be created. You’ll just be linking the spouse contacts to the their accounts and giving them portal access.

2. Linked contacts: Decide whether each spouse needs to have portal access, receive notifications and have their email synced so you can view all their TaxDome email. 

3. Import the Spouse Contacts: Map each spouse contact detail to the corresponding TaxDome field, by choosing Sync custom field from the Action drop-down menu. Select the TaxDome field in the drop-down menu: for example, First Name, Phone, Email and City. Do not map taxpayer contacts details; leave Ignore selected in the Action field.

4. Review the mapping results and finish the import process as you did before.

Now taxpayer and spouse contacts are linked to their shared family accounts:

👋 We can help! If you run into any difficulties during the import process, our team is always happy to help! To request assistance with an import, complete the TaxDome Import Assistance form.

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