Migrate docs to TaxDome: Export from FileCabinet

Though, at this moment FileCabinet CS doesn’t support automated document import to TaxDome, a member of our Facebook Community has developed a solution to speed up and partially automate the transfer process, so you don't have to print each document to TaxDome individually. With the participant's consent, we’ve described this solution, and we thank them for their willingness to share this knowledge with other firm owners.

Import docs

FileCabinet has a limitation when exporting files: it cannot preserve the folder structure of each client. To work around this limitation, you can export each client's files without the structure and then run an   .exe file to automatically create folders and sort the files based on their filenames.


Note! To import documents from FileCabinet to TaxDome, you must handle each client separately. This means you'll need to repeat the steps below for each client.

Step 1. Export all files of a client

Export all PDFs for an individual client into a temporary folder, such as C:\temp\TD Docs

For example, suppose your original folder structure for John Doe (an imaginary client) looks like this:

├── John Doe/
        ├── Tax Returns/
        │   ├── 2022/
        │   │   ├── tax_return_2022_john.pdf
        │   ├── 2021/
        │   │   ├── tax_return_2021_john.pdf
        ├── Contracts/
        │   ├── contract_2022.pdf
        ├── Reports/
        │   ├── report_2022.pdf

After exporting to a temporary folder, C:\temp\TD Docs will contain the following files without any folder structure:

    ├── tax_return_2022_john.pdf
    ├── tax_return_2021_john.pdf
    ├── contract_2022.pdf
    ├── report_2022.pdf

Step 2. Run my.exe script

my.exe is a script that performs the following actions:

  • Navigates to the directory (C:\temp\TD Docs\) containing the files.
  • Searches for files with specific patterns in their names.
  • Creates folders for each pattern.
  • Moves the corresponding files into the appropriate folders.

1. Download the my.exe file created by a TaxDome Community member.

2. Run  my.exe from your local computer (simply double-click it) to automatically create the appropriate folders and move the exported PDFs into them.

For example, with the four files mentioned above, after running the script, the folder structure on your computer will be restored as follows:

    ├── Tax Returns/
    │   ├── 2022/
    │   │   ├── tax_return_2022_john.pdf
    │   ├── 2021/
    │   │   ├── tax_return_2021_john.pdf
    ├── Contracts/
    │   ├── contract_2022.pdf
    ├── Reports/
    │   ├── report_2022.pdf

Step 3. Move folders into the client TaxDome folder

1. Create the client account with the same names as in the folder structure. Continuing the example above, we should create a John Doe account in TaxDome.


Attention! If you want to apply the structure from step 2, disable a folder template (item 6) while creating.  

2. Upload folders created by the script to the client folder using the web portal.  

The folder structure in the web portal will be like this. Note that  the client-uploaded documents folder will be created automatically when the client is created and cannot be deleted.  

After finishing with one client, clear the C:\temp\TD Docs folder and repeat the process for the next client.

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