Organizers (Advanced): Sync answers with custom fields
You can sync organizer responses with custom fields for accounts or contacts, minimizing manual data entry time. This is helpful for onboarding new clients and updating existing client information. In this article, you'll learn how to do it.
Syncing answers with custom fields, explained
When your clients fill in organizers, you can sync their answers with account/contact custom fields, such as estimated tax payment, company size, EIN, etc.
This is the most useful in these cases:
- Onboarding new clients: During the onboarding of new clients, you can send an organizer to request all necessary information. Next, you can choose to sync the organizer's responses with the custom fields of the client account or contact. These will be stored in the client account and will be accessible to you at any time.
- Updating existing client information: If you have already filled in the client details, things may change over time. If clients update their information via organizers or some fields become empty, you can sync these updates with custom fields, so you don't need to compare their answers and fill in the details manually.
Syncing organizer answers is available for the following question types:
- Free entry
- Date
- Number
In general, the process of syncing organizer answers with custom fields is the following:
1. Set up syncing while preparing the organizer template so you don't need to map questions to custom fields for each submitted organizer.
2. Send an organizer based on this template. Then, wait for your client to complete it or complete it on their behalf.
3. Open the completed organizer and sync answers to custom fields. Make adjustments if needed.
After that, you will see the client profile updated with the data from answers.
Before you start
- Ensure you have added custom fields you want to use.
- Question types in the organizer template must correspond with custom field types, so ensure that the questions in your organizer template match the types of the custom fields (text, number, URL) you wish to sync with.
- Set up access rights: If you want your team members to be able to sync answers with custom fields, enable a Manage organizers access right for them. It could be helpful to let the Edit organizer answers as well. To let them set up sync with CRM in the organizer templates, turn on the Manage templates for them, too.
Step 1. Set up sync with CRM in organizer templates
To make matching answers with custom fields easier, you can pre-define it in organizer templates:
1. Open the organizer template from the Templates > Organizers page, then click the gear icon under the question you want to sync with a custom field.
2. Toggle on Sync to CRM. From the drop-down menu, select an account or contact field you want to sync with. You can select only fields that match the question type. If you don't see an existing field in the drop-down menu, ensure it is of the correct type.
3. Click Save in the question sidebar and then save the organizer template. You can now send it to the client. Organizers sent after you save the updated template will allow you to sync answers with custom fields.
On the Templates > Custom fields page, you can see which custom fields can be updated via organizers. Click Synced to CRM next to the custom field name and see all the organizer templates where questions are connected to this field.
Step 2. Sync answers
After your client submits an organizer or you do it on their behalf, you can sync organizer answers to custom fields:
1. Open the organizer from the Organizers page and click Sync to CRM at the top right.
2. For questions already associated with custom fields, review how answers will match with custom fields.
To make the adjustments:
- Skip some answers by selecting Ignore in the Sync column.
- Change the associated custom field in the Field column.
- Select more questions to sync with custom fields by choosing Sync in the Sync column for them and selecting a custom field in the Field column.
3. For questions associated with contact custom fields, select a contact to update. If it's going to be the same contact for all contact custom fields, click Use for all fields.
4. If some answers are blank, toggle on Sync empty fields to synchronize those fields. This will erase any existing data they might contain.
5. Click Sync. Now, you can go to the client profile and ensure all the fields have been updated with values from the organizer.

Tip! You can't edit answers when syncing them to custom fields. If your client made a mistake or you want to adjust answers for another reason, you must edit the organizer's answers first. To do so, click three dots at the top right of the organizer and select Change answers. Make the adjustments and submit the organizer again. Now, you can sync updated answers to custom fields.