CPA Charge integration (Basic): Add eCheck (ACH) payment processing

TaxDome offers a variety of methods for clients to pay—credit/debit card, electronic check/bank transfer, and even cash (if a client prefers paying in person). Here, we show you how to set up CPACharge eCheck Payments (ACH), which allows your clients to send you payments with an electronic version of a paper check through the Automated Clearing House network.

Covered here:

eCheck payments

With an eCheck, money is electronically transferred from the payer's checking account and directly deposited into the seller's account, after passing through the banking network.

The transaction takes up to five business days as eCheck is a delayed notification payment method.

You can read more about CPACharge processing fees for eCheck payments.

Step 1. Enable eCheck on CPACharge

To add bank debits payment processing to your TaxDome account, you should have an ACH (eCheck) account in your CPACharge account.

Before you can accept eCheck payments, you need to activate eCheck within CPACharge following the prompts from the CPACharge dashboard. You will receive the CPACharge notification of eCheck availability within two days.

Step 2. Set up CPACharge on TaxDome

After everything is set on CPACharge, make sure of the following on your TaxDome portal:

  1. You’ve connected your CPACharge account to TaxDome. Here is how to connect to CPACharge.
  2. Your default payment provider is CPACharge. Go to Settings > Integrations from the left menu bar. Here's more on selecting a payment processing provider.
  3. Either the Bank Debits or Credit Card or Bank Debits payment method is selected in the Payments tab. This can be done only by a firm owner or admin.

When you select both, you’ll be able to specify the preferred payment method for each invoice you issue, or you can let the client choose.


Note! If you have already set up the CPACharge integration with TaxDome and now want to use bank debits, reconnect with CPACharge (first disconnect, then connect with CPACharge once again).

What does the client see?

Once you have enabled CPACharge eCheck payments, your clients will see the ACH option in their payment window.

To make a payment, the client needs to enter their bank account details:

  • Routing number
  • Bank account number
  • Account holder type
  • First name and last name
  • Account type

After the client clicks Pay, CPACharge sends the information to the bank and waits for approval. The payment status remains Verifying payment or Incomplete until it goes through (here's more on payment statuses).

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