Settings (Advanced): Set Up Your TaxDome-Generated Emails

There are several types of system-generated emails on TaxDome. While their default settings are configured to the most frequently needed ones, you can also customize them.

Covered here:

Emails From TaxDome to the Firm Owner

These system-generated emails inform the firm owner about TaxDome trial, registration, subscription, and team member registration.

  • The language of these emails matches the language set for the owner's account in Settings (see the article).
  • You always receive these notifications to your login email, not to the email synced with TaxDome.

Standard Emails From Your Firm to Clients

These system-generated emails go out to clients when they are requested to complete an organizer, upload a document, or sign a proposal, or when they are reminded about a pending action they must complete. They are sent to all contacts of a client account who have NOTIFY toggled on. Find out more about notifications here.

The language of these emails matches the language set by the firm owner for the firm  (see the article).

In system-generated emails:

  • The word “TaxDome” does not appear.
  • Your firm name is displayed at the top.
  • If the contact to which the email is sent is linked to more than one account, the account name is shown next to the firm name (so that the client is aware of which account they should log into)
  • Your firm’s address, phone number, and website are shown in the footer (what you provided in your Settings > Firm settings inside the Contact details section). For more details, go here.
  • The Reply to field includes the email specified in Default reply-to email for system emails (in your Settings > Firm settings inside the Contact details section).

  • The BCC field of system-generated emails includes the email specified in Do you want to receive a copy of system alerts that TaxDome sends to clients? (in your Settings > Firm settings inside the Contact details section).

Custom Emails From Your Firm to Clients

You can customize all system-generated emails sent from your firm to clients by changing the footer. Those settings can be changed by a firm owner or admin.

  • Hide your firm’s address, phone number, and website (the information you provided in your Settings > Firm settings in the Contact details section).
  • Show your social network links (add them in the Social media links section in Settings > Firm settings).
  • Show your firm’s logo at the top (upload it in the Logo upload section in Settings > Firm settings).
  • Include message content including the client tasks list in email notifications about new messages in the chat thread (described above in showing context in email notifications)

To configure system-generated emails:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Firm settings.
  2. In the System-Generated Emails section, toggle on your preferences.

If you toggle on all options, your system-generated emails look like this:

Emails From the Firm to Team Members

Team members receive emails of two types: 

Notification Emails On Client Activity

These system-generated emails inform you about all TaxDome activity related to clients, such as new messages, automatically created jobs, submitted organizers, and so on.

  • The language of these emails matches the language set for the team member's account in Settings (see the article).
  • You always receive these notifications to your login email, not to the email synced with TaxDome.
  • You can turn on and off notifications for different events (see the article).
  • You can turn on and off notifications for specific clients by changing the account following options (see the article).

Notification Emails On Team Member's Account

These system-generated emails inform team members about their own TaxDome portal accounts—e.g., when they reset their password, activate their account, etc. This also includes emails about team members’ assigned clients performing actions, such as answering a message, signing a proposal, etc. Team members are able to select which email notifications they wish to receive.

The language of these emails matches the language set for team member's account in Settings (see the article).

With all team member system-generated email:

  • The word “TaxDome” does not appear (except when the email is about an account activation, a password update, or an onboarding invitation).
  • The firm name is displayed at the top.
  • The Reply-to and BCC fields are empty.
  • Message content in email notifications about new messages in the chat thread is shown by default (find out more in showing context in email notifications)

Showing Context in Email Notifications on Messages

When sending a message to a client or when a team member is @mentioned, an e-mail notification is sent. In your firm settings, you can choose whether to show the context of client-facing messages and firm-facing messages separately.
By default, client-facing notifications are toggled off and will be hidden in email notifications and internal notifications are toggled on and will be visible in email notifications.

This setting may be turned on and off by a firm owner or admin, in two steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Firm settings.

  2. Update the context toggles to your desired settings

This is how the email notification with message context appear to the client:

Default language of your emails

The default language of all emails sent from TaxDome is set when you register for TaxDome. However, it can be changed at any time by a firm owner or admin. Go to Settings > Firm settings from the left menu bar, choose the desired language in the International settings section. 

This will change the language of such emails as:

  • The invitation to create new account for a client
  • The invitation to create new account for a team member
  • The notification about an invoice that has been created
  • The notification about an organizer that's been sent 
  • The notification about a new chat thread or new message
  • The notification about uploading a new document or a document that needs approval

Note: If your team members and clients select a different language for their portal, they will receive emails in the language of their choice.

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