Services (Basic): Add to time entries

Services can be added to your time entries to specify the project being time-tracked. Then, you can quickly create itemized invoices from time entries.

Add services when creating time entries

To add services to a time entry, follow these steps:

1. Create a time entry by clicking the Time entry button at the top right of any screen and selecting New time entry. Or, click New and select Time entry.

2. Select a client.

3. Click on the Service field. You will see services listed in the order of their creation, with the most recent ones at the end.  

Your options here:

  • Select a service from the list.
  • Start typing a service name to find it.
  • Add a new service by clicking Create service. For details, go to the article on service creation.

If the Require service for time entries option is enabled, you can't save the time entries without specifying a service.

4. Edit the Rate field if necessary. This will not change the service itself and will be applied only to the current time entry.

Require service for time entries

The Require service for time entries option ensures that a service must be selected for all time entries:

  • No one cannot save new time entries without specifying a service.
  • Existing time entries without service will require it to be added before saving any changes.

To enable the option, go to  Settings > Billing from the sidebar menu, switch to the Time entries subtab and toggle Require a service for each time entry on. The changes will be saved automatically. 

How to find time entries with specific services

To see time entries for certain services, go to  Billing > Time entries from the sidebar menu, then click Filter at the top-right corner. Select a service you are looking for in the Service section and click Apply

You will see the time entries list for the service you've selected.

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