Marketplace (Basic): Getting your templates
TaxDome Marketplace is like the App Store but for TaxDome templates. With it, you can easily view, download, customize and provide feedback for your new templates. In this article, we will tell you how.
Covered here:
- Marketplace overview
- Viewing templates in the marketplace
- Downloading templates
- Adding template review
- Our template library (outdated)
Marketplace overview
Marketplace provides the advantage of best practices and the opportunity to enhance your processes by applying templates shared by professionals. Apply ready-made templates for Pipelines, Proposals, Tasks, Emails, and more to save loads of time. You can view, download, and purchase templates created by other firms, as well as access free templates designed by TaxDome and other content creators.
This is how it works when you want to apply templates:
- View and find templates to add to your workspace. Each template has a detailed page with a description, image, and video which help you to ensure if it will be helpful for you.
- Download and edit downloaded templates. You can get different template types one by one (e.g., proposal, signature) or download a pipeline template that includes automations and all templates inside it, such as for tasks, organizers, emails, and more.
- Start using them, then provide feedback through a simple web form.
- ...and enjoy your refined workflow!

Tip! You can search for country-specific templates by using Ctrl+F and the keyword in your browser. For example, to find Canadian content, use Ctrl+F and type CAN in the search field.
Viewing templates in the marketplace
To access the Marketplace page, go to Templates > Marketplace from the left menu bar. From here, you can:
- View templates from all categories displayed as cards, or only the specific category. Click the dropdown on the left to sort templates from the latest ones or by the name A-Z.
- Find the price of paid templates as well as free ones and download them.
Click on any card to open the template page. You will see:
- Template's author/update date. It might be created by TaxDome or third-party content creators.
- The description on the left and the image on the right will provide you with all the other details. Watch videos to find even more.
Downloading templates
To download a template, click on the button with its price or on Get for free at the top.
If the template is the paid one, you will be required to enter your payment details and proceed with the payment first. You can find out more about your payment options in the article.
The downloaded template will appear in your template library which you can access by navigating to Templates > Firm templates. You will get an Inbox+ notification about each downloaded template.

Tip! By downloading a pipeline template you’ll also get all the templates inside it, such as for tasks, chats, emails, and so on. If you delete a pipeline template or remove some automations from it, it won’t delete the templates downloaded with it.
Adding template review
You can add your opinion on any template and rate it. This will help us to improve the marketplace content.
From the template page, click the Add a review link at the top to open the feedback form, enter your feedback, and click Submit.
Our template library (outdated)
The template library is the old storage for free templates developed by TaxDome before the marketplace release. It will phased out with the development of Marketplace but you still can download templates from it for now. You can look for the template by the category you need, copy it, and then edit it according to your needs.
Templates can be copied from the library by a firm owner, an admin or any team member with the access rights to manage templates.
To add templates from the library, follow these steps:
1. From the left menu bar, go to Templates > Firm templates.
2. Open the tab for the type of template you’re looking for at the top and click Copy from library.
3. Click the copy icon to the far right of the template you want to use. It is then added to your templates list, and you’ll be able to edit it if needed.

Tip: Keep your template lists clean and uncluttered. If you no longer need a template, delete it.